Dedicated/Affordable RAID Protected FTP Storage Space


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Greetings Everyone - Get your hands on Dedicated FTP Storage Space, perfect for any storage need. Our platform is a two server design -

Primary Servers (RAID 6/60/or 10) store your FTP Data, then a daily R1Soft Backup to Secondary Servers (RAID 6/or 60) in separate datacenters. They are not mixed use and are not doubling as web hosting servers.:D

A few examples of who would love this offer -
  • Resellers looking to ensure that a reliable backup option is in place for their users - Works great with freely available scripts that allow resellers to backup their own clients via cron.
  • Dedicated/VPS server owners that need an un-metered backup target to start/expand their backup regiment.
  • Windows/Linux Users that would like to add FTP space as a local folder, similar to dropbox or google drive (5 step guide on our site).

  • Anyone looking to get RAW data storage without setting up an entire server/system.

FTP Disk Space Pricing -

Each 100GB/$4.99/Month


Each 1TB/$29.99/Month

Take a look at our unique Storage Offering

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