Desiging vB Skins


New member

I'm very interested in learning how to skin forum templates for vB boards. Learning XML, etc. Can anyone help me out? And, would I make the core graphic part with PS7? Or other graphic designing program.

For the graphics program, I recommend photoshop. You can make the core graphic, but you will also have slice it. To get better at skinning you do just that, skinning. Although you will need some base skills to start with. Make a backup of your current skin and rename it. Then start practicing on that. Replacing images with your own etc.
I've been thinking of creating some unique skins and offering them next to my website design service. But at the moment I'm looking for information on how/where to start. For vbulletin I'll need to pay for a license before I can download it and experiment with skinning?

I like Invision Power Board also. I can create nice graphics in Photoshop, that's not the problem.The problem is that I don't have knowledge of how a skin is build up (especially coding..).

If anyone knows good websites where the basics are explained, that would be great.
Or someone that is very experienced in skinning, feel free to pm or mail me.
I need some example skin with explanation to all parts of code, that would help me (and other people who want to start creating skins) alot.