Design Contest: Site and Logo


New member
Project Scope:

We are looking for a new exciting design for; this design should include a new unique logo for the site.

Any further information can be received by request.


$110.00, although may increase slightly for the integration **OR**

$150.00 of Products for the Winner the choice is there’s

Payment via Paypal or Credit Card.

Best price and design wins, THIS IS A SHOWCASE/DESIGN OFF we wish to see the concept of each designer before we accept and agree on changes etc/


1. CSS /HTML template for integrating into Creloaded 6.15-6.2 [OS-Commerce]
2. PSD for Design and Sub page
3. Logo PSD, AI, PNG file for easy editing
4. ** Optional, would be a bonus but no necessary integrate into the shopping cart software**
5. Unique and Exclusive Rights to both logo and design.

You can view the current design here:

This contest will go on until we find one we like, we may ask you to modify your designs etc.

We will be posting submissions (MAKE SURE THERE WATERMARKED) on other sites for potential user comments this is an important part o any development phase.

Our Decision is final

We are also looking for well priced Jamoola Template Creators and Skinners. And reasonably low end priced css/html/xhtml designers for other projects.
Lol trying to be quick and easy on myself i knew id make a mistake :)

just to re state the winner could be from any board this is posted on :)
Artashes said:
Oh wow, that's no good. :disagree:
No, it certainly is not.

LayeredTech, their upstream provider, reacted quickly and properly to my DMCA a few weeks ago. They made DC take down the offending pages. However, I see the pages are now back online (cpanel xmail and zencart). Aside from a few token caption modifications, 95% of all the text remains unchanged and still stolen from DemoDemo product.

Shameless, unabashed and blatant theft. Embarrassing that any "company" would sink to such levels.

So easy to charge low prices when you can just steal others' work instead of paying for original work.
So easy to charge low prices when you can just steal others' work instead of paying for original work.
So true... and you end up with who knows how many end users utilising a virtually stolen product. That's your potential customers, who should have paid you. :(
Absolutely shameful behavior. And they are arrogant about it too. When I challenged them in their WHT sales thread about the stolen text, she replied:

I apologies if someone we out source to has a little bit of a problem creating the content but to be honest I couldn’t care less! After all they only get compared to yours which if we are honest and as this IS MY thread, are no better just dearer!

Wonderful defense, and a brilliant demonstration of their set of business ethics. Blatant in-your-face thievery.

(It goes without saying that WHT [in true WHT fashion] tossed the thread, which is why I saved the page to my hard drive first)

Ahhh. Good old WHT. They always let the scum rise to the top.
Why leave evidence of this sleazy behavior. Good to see some things never change.
I usually go after any thief who I find stealing from me, but this one is tops on my list. They have zero ethics and zero imagination in coming up with their own products.

Example (just one of many):

A few weeks ago, I announced the launch of DemoDemo's . Order Form Tour. Within hours, they had a cheap imitation on their site.


Oh, and BTW, Holly, if you feel I have posting libelous statements against you, then please feel free to take me to court. I welcome the opportunity to bury you in a court of law.

I'm suprised they haven't stolen talking faq yet Vito.
Oh wait, they couldn't do that because it would require a financial investment.
I'm sure they prefer to steal ideas that don't cost them anything.
A few weeks ago, I announced the launch of DemoDemo's . Order Form Tour. Within hours, they had a cheap imitation on their site.

1) Funny Vito didn't Rob (DEMOWOLF) do this first or am i mistaken? No i'm not i am 100% correct! So where's your innative idea now up your own anus!

2) Any one bothered to check this alledged copyright issue? Didnt think so, And Vito Carry On my friend because your day will come and i hope you keep that court offer open!

3) Artashes, You will be issued with procedings for this to be resolved.

4) Talking FAQ the lot they will come, so Vito hold your horses you picked on the wrong person.

5) See Vito this could of been over with a simple email rather than a very public display in forums but you choose the latter, and thus the reason any and any other reply you will receive from me will be Flippant and Rude. my only regret is i haven't done the same in the past!

6) WARNING You just continue Vito, i will stop you because i wont stop i will beat you, your an outdated old timer.

7) As for assertive host i am afraid i have had my Hands on that content since The days of Tomsyer and i had permssion to reproduce as did a lot of people! If any one wants to check there more than welcome remembering that Tom no longer runs Tomsyer or Assertive or Myside for that but i did get permision!

See Vito there is only SO long people will let you hide behind your post-counts,

Have a good Day!
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ATTN: Democentre, I shall remind you to keep Rules in mind when posting.

3.1 Be respectful to other users and avoid personal attacks.
3.6 Participants may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
3.7 Offensive words or foul language, must be avoided.
Artashes said:
ATTN: Democentre, I shall remind you to keep Rules in mind when posting.

3.1 Be respectful to other users and avoid personal attacks.
3.6 Participants may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
3.7 Offensive words or foul language, must be avoided.


3.1 Be respectful to other users and avoid personal attacks.
Where is everyone elses warning, sorry publicly thrashed and you allow this, this will be resolved with or without your assistance!
3.6 Participants may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

I have not made a post that in my understanding of law which violates any

3.7 Offensive words or foul language, must be avoided.
Remind me not to mention the word EYE as thats as much a body part as the one i mentioned not really offensive,

But it got the point across!

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If I were you, Nathan, I would be addressing concerns surrounding the products in question, not personal matters you have with members.
Artashes, im still waiting for any proof, regarding this renewed allegation,

see there is none they are not the same and i "admit" they where very simlar the first time round this was a mistake on my account i released them without checking but we all make mistakes

But the problem still remains in Vito's insistance this should be not have been done publicly but in private!

And i also have some more information to post to you with regard to "Our Problem"

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