Design Tips Needed!


New member
I really need to do my hosting page over...I just can't seem to find a template or format that I like...I am not a master of HTML or code of any kind, but I know my way around a bit to do certain things...

I really like the look and feel of blogger style sitses/wordpress etc, and want to work with something along those lines...I absolutely do not want something that makes me seem bigger than what I am...I am a small 2 or 3 man show, not a block buster company...My niche so far is that I devolop raport with my customers and give them an excellent service as well...

My current hosting site is simply a blogger page, but I'm probably going to install wordpress into it soon, as it seems to have more design options...If someone can offer a few tips and pointers my way in terms of something handsome and somooth, I'd surely appreciate it...

Well the best tip, if you don't know how to design, and you have a low budget:

Good price, and great quallity. Not Unique, but it's the best way to start. Once you started your business, you can think on a unique and exclusive design.

But you can allways try to post a new thread in our advertising area, requesting a unique and exclusive template, telling your budget, maybe you get a surprise :)

Welcome to TWH!
well if u want a professional site then avoid using blog softwares because they re not made for such sites. rather buy a template from and re-design it according to your type and use it as host site.

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