Ditched Paypal.. Need Reliable and Accessible Proccessor

As providers we definitely never ask clients to verify BUT Its a statutory requirement in most states for the geteways to have verifiable Identity so their hands may also be tied by their regulator.

Most providers' TOS will state that they have to right to "withhold" an order and ask for further verification at any times (not limited to but a copy of your ID and/or front and back of the Credit Card used). Yet in most cases I just click "order now" and I am done.

To add the IRS also may ask the provider for the same AT ANY time so what different does a provider makes vs the gateway in that sense?
I know all of these things can be a pain but the reality is if you don't offer Paypal as a payment option on your site you're going to loose out on a lot of business.

I would suggest proceeding with their verification as at the end of the day it's in your best interest.
Most providers' TOS will state that they have to right to "withhold" an order and ask for further verification at any times (not limited to but a copy of your ID and/or front and back of the Credit Card used). Yet in most cases I just click "order now" and I am done.

To add the IRS also may ask the provider for the same AT ANY time so what different does a provider makes vs the gateway in that sense?

Yes that is added to the TOS so that when suspicious orders are received then the owner verifies But most orders will be processed without this especially if you are a return client and you are not from a high fraud country
I know all of these things can be a pain but the reality is if you don't offer Paypal as a payment option on your site you're going to loose out on a lot of business.

I would suggest proceeding with their verification as at the end of the day it's in your best interest.

It's not a pain it the quality of the processor.

Look it like this, why should I stay a provider if they cannot explain to me why an issue occurs?

I feel like Paypal does not know what they are doing as I did provide the SSN as is.
Why should they explain things to you when you clearly have no intention of providing what they need, but continue to complain, whine and groan about something so trivial?

Pick up the phone, give them a call, work it out. Or stop complaining
Why should they explain things to you when you clearly have no intention of providing what they need, but continue to complain, whine and groan about something so trivial?

Pick up the phone, give them a call, work it out. Or stop complaining

I wouldn't have any problems if they would of explained more than "we don't know why".

Regardless I am looking for other options and not solely complaining about Paypal.
I wouldn't have any problems if they would of explained more than "we don't know why".

Regardless I am looking for other options and not solely complaining about Paypal.

If you have an issue with any payment provider he best way to get things sorted etc, is to pick up the phone and ask to speak to a manager.

The main issue i have with paypal is that they sometimes will cancel subscriptions for no reason and without letting me or the client know about this. i email them and just get ' we dont know' and 'it will not happen again' until it happens again.

even calling them and managers find it hard to explain and just put it down to a glitch in the system. I even stopped using and offering paypal for a time, but this causes more headaches as a majority of people will use paypal, so you have to offer a payment service that your clients use, so i had to restart offering paypal, and subscriptions are easy to set up again. no issues in the last 8 months touch wood, but i know have a email to their exec depart if i have further issues.
If you have an issue with any payment provider he best way to get things sorted etc, is to pick up the phone and ask to speak to a manager.

The main issue i have with paypal is that they sometimes will cancel subscriptions for no reason and without letting me or the client know about this. i email them and just get ' we dont know' and 'it will not happen again' until it happens again.

even calling them and managers find it hard to explain and just put it down to a glitch in the system.

Exactly it more of the integrity issue than anything else...
But still paypal is the most commonly used payment processor, so removing this will just damage your business as some people will only use paypal to make payments

I can understand what you means but I just feel a change is an order. To add everyone loses sales if they don't have xyz payment method (NOT just whether or not you have PP or not).

That is just a thing everyone accounts for, but I can tell you there are places that "survive" without offering PP at all. If they can do it then I shouldn't have an issue doing it as well.
To add everyone loses sales if they don't have xyz payment method

i never stated add everyone.

these are the 3 main ones any host should offer at the least

1) paypal
2) a credit card processor - such as stripe
3) direct debit/money order
There is a hosting hardware supplier that strictly does not accept PP. Only direct Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

PP is monster you just cant get away with especially for the beginning small dogs. 90% of the clients will not want to trust you with their credit cards and will trust PP over most of the other processors. Your hands are virtually tied.
There is a hosting hardware supplier that strictly does not accept PP. Only direct Credit Cards or Debit Cards.

Not even remotely the same thing.
In the hosting industry, you don't get to not accept paypal. It's a requirement. Hardware vendors often don't, because of the massive liability when dealing with these types of orders.
Not even remotely the same thing.
In the hosting industry, you don't get to not accept paypal. It's a requirement. Hardware vendors often don't, because of the massive liability when dealing with these types of orders.

Why should we deal with the same liability then? If larger payments sums can't be trusted with Paypal then why should we trust our smaller sums to them?

Also for FYI it a free market, enough said.
Why should we deal with the same liability then?
Because Paypal is the norm, it's the standard. If you're not going to accept it, then you're not going to get any business worth keeping. It really is just that simple.

The point of Paypal is that you don't have to give your credit card information , or banking information to a small time host, like yourself. These are often scammers, and in this case it provides a layer of security for both the customer and Paypal's client.

Everyone else has said the same, exact thing. If you want to continue to be a know it all, feel free. Shoot yourself in the foot, lose your business. Clients simply won't trust you if you don't have PayPal, and rightly so. End of story.
Why should we deal with the same liability then? If larger payments sums can't be trusted with Paypal then why should we trust our smaller sums to them?

Also for FYI it a free market, enough said.

Yes a free market, that it is the norm to have paypal as a payment method.

Your clients should have the freedom to chose who they want to pay with and if you don't offer paypal then you have taken that away from them, so no longer a free market for your clients.

It is a case of offering a selection of payment options for your clients to chose from.

we have 2 options that so far clients have not used, but these options are available incase new clients want to use them. These eat no meat being made available
Because Paypal is the norm, it's the standard. If you're not going to accept it, then you're not going to get any business worth keeping. It really is just that simple.

The point of Paypal is that you don't have to give your credit card information , or banking information to a small time host, like yourself. These are often scammers, and in this case it provides a layer of security for both the customer and Paypal's client.

Paypal is no way "bulletproof", in fact a Minecraft user lost over $200 due to disputes that were closed within the SAME day without his chance.

Just because something is a "norm" doesn't makes it a instantly "good way to go".

Logically the processor is more messed up than it worth enduring (random closure of disputes, unexplained SSN incident, and random subs cancellations).

As long your not a "genius" whose take in payments in house. I see no problems letting your clients aware that an alternative 3rd party processor is used (linking back to the website and inferring who they are can helps as well).
Paypal is no way "bulletproof", in fact a Minecraft user lost over $200 due to disputes that were closed within the SAME day without his chance.

The same can be said of Stripe, 2checkout, authorize etc. they all will close disputes if a transaction has been fraudulent and you as a seller has no say and will lose the money.

yes nothing wrong in letting clients know of other payment methods you offer. It is easier to do this now as you can now pass on any processing fees direct to clients, so you can inform clients which payment method would be cheaper for them

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