Do you sell domains through your hosting site?


New member
Do you offer domain registration as well as hosting?
Do you have a domain reseller program or do you just register the domains yourself on a seperate account for each person?
I just register the domains manually for now for each client, but soon am hoping to get a reselling account somewhere..
Clients that ask for it, I will register the domain for them through a regular registrar account.. otherwise we do not really offer domain registration...
At the minute i would just register the domain if someone wanted one but i have just got a reseller account but need to fill it, think the minimum is $100
Yeah I got an email from Enom from here.. they said something about that but I don't like the idea of having to put in 100$ to fill the account.. probably because I don't have $100 of ATM :)
Yeah I got an email from Enom from here

You dont mean from these forums do you?

A lot of people dont like having to top up with at least $100 at a time but it could save you a bit of money if you are getting a bulk of domains, especially if you are registering them for clients.
Yeah I mean from here... on the bottom of the email it says:

Please note that has no control over the
contents of this message.


The team.

Would you like me to forward it to you so you can look at it?
We usually dont sell domains on our website but if our clients require it then we either sell it to them or give them a FREE domain on an annual subscription.
I bet this would be important too because web hosts would want to be as transparent as possible else next time the customer will go directly to the place where you bought the domain from...I think the best thing to do would be to signup for a domain reseller program :)