Does price really matter?


New member

I was reading the threads today and I stumbled upon an interesting opinion of a person that raised the following question: Why does everyone wants to sacrifice quality of service and support in order to save an extra dollar or two, when at the same time people are willing to spend $5-10 on lunch at Burger King every day (this is just a general example).

I mean, if you think about it, the difference between good and cheap hosting is generally no more than $.30-50c/day. Is it really worth it to put your business or personal website at risk in order to save such a miniscule amount of money?

I would be very interested to hear people's opinions on this.

Best Regards,
I mean, if you think about it, the difference between good and cheap hosting is generally no more than $.30-50c/day. Is it really worth it to put your business or personal website at risk in order to save such a miniscule amount of money?  
In my opinion it isn't worth it if it is a business site, but if it is just a personal site then many wouldn't care about bad support or downtime (as long as there wasn't too much).
Most of our customers are actually people that have had bad experiences with poor hosting companies and many of them tell us that they really don't care what they are paying as long as they can phone us at any time of the day or night and as long as the services provided are reliable (and fast). We're happy with that.

Welcome to Jo's board BTW, Georgiy :D
I think you can create a healthy balance between service, support and price if you are in the position to do so.

For example to keep costs down, a large portion of our company is totally automated using technology developed in-house and we use the money saved to pay for staff in customer support. As the technology is bespoke - the servers operate well with it ensuring high uptime. The combination keep customers happy and they often buy another domain with us.

So although were classed as a "budget host", we often attract SME's, religious organisations, charitites.etc

just my $0.02 :)