Domain names for hosting business


New member
These days is really hard to find a good domain name for a business, so i was thinking:
does the domain name really matter? Does it need to mean something for a business to succeed ? (let's just talk about web hosting business).

With names like ezpz, godaddy, fatcow, moolay and so on, i'm starting to think that the domain name has no impact at all. If you manage your company well and you build a good and professional reputation, i think that you can succeed with a name like (or any other random name).

What do you guys think ?

P.S: maybe qwbzr23host is a bit exaggerated, but you got the point :D
a domain name is important.

It needs to be eyecatching and easy to remember, not necessary resembling what the actual business is offering as what does the name GoDaddy have in relation to domain services or Fatcow have to do with web hosting.
The problem with exotic domain names like the one you mentioned is that it adds to the difficulty any startup business has with establishing themselves as a brand. If you have loads of money to spend on marketing that might not be a concern, but for the majority of startups its better to have a domain name that somehow describes your product or service.
Domain name is very important thing, because if you have good domain name can transfer you a lot of users from all over the world, you can be noticed and easily remembered.
I think the domain name has to be catchy. IMO, every example you gave in your post of real host names are catchy and easy to remember.

Also, from personal experience, you want a domain name that you can easily verbally communicate without having to spell it. There's nothing more annoying than having to spell your domain name over and over again, and then people getting it wrong because they misspelled it anyway.

But you can certainly be creative with it, and such a domain will probably be more catchy, anyway. I would not choose randomly, though.
what the actual business is offering as what does the name GoDaddy have in relation to domain services or Fatcow have to do with web hosting.

Actually GoDaddy was doing web hosting before they became a registrar. Thus when Parsons and his crew were sitting around thinking of a new name for Jomax Technologies they were web hosts. Strangely, people believe its the other way around.
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I think domain names are important, but perhaps not as important as they used to be several years ago. It depends if you are a startup or not. If you are an established business that has been around a long time e.g. before every company was connected to the world wide web, then your domain name is likely to be your company name.
This is fine as as you are an established business, it doesn't look very good though if another company with the same or a similar name as you in a different business sector has snapped up the domain name that you wanted.
With new companies, being short, relevant and easy to remember are essential. Most people looking for services will do so on the web these days and having a domain name that stands out could be crucial even if it's not entirely obvious what the company does at first glance.
It depends that the domain name must at-least provide a basic idea for what your website is all about.
Example: If you launched a webhosting business and the domain name is then you will actually have to invest alot for SEO & Online Marketing to rank your website in search engines. You will have to make the people aware that the domain name is actually concern with webhosting and not about world.

Generally if you take a domain name related to hosting then there are strong changes to get the website rank in rapid ways.
Domain name is important, because that servers as the brand name of your product. So better choose a nice name for your business.

Also don't forgot that aside from the domain name, you should provide something that will make your clients comeback to you, so its a combination of many things to be a successful hosting company.
Google is giving less and less importance to generic or EMD domain names. So I think best method for a business is having their own brand name.
Google is giving less and less importance to generic or EMD domain names. So I think best method for a business is having their own brand name.

I agree with this, notwithstanding Google. A domain name reflecting brand name is more desirable than a domain name that describes the product. ....Except in the case of something excellent like
I agree with the others, a good domain name still helps much with your online business. At least, it makes people and potential customers easier to find your website.
I think it is real important, primarily short and easy to remember. I would love to get my business included in the domain name (the word hosting or host in it), but that is looking less and less possible.

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