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Is it just me, or is DotNetPanel becoming significantly more popular in the Windows hosting market? Is this control panel is use by many web hosts?

I believe because of pricing model and simplicity, its becoming popular.

We use DotNetpanel for all our windows servers.
My choice is DirectAdmin. This panel is usable and don't demands much knowledge in its usage.
Some companies ( provide only this one and some ( gives the customers the ability to choose the one he needs most of all.
We have been using Plesk for years, however we recently started using DotNetPanel as a VPS control panel for Microsoft Hyper-V.

I must say, im very impressed with the simplicity of it and the quality of the web interface. Not to mention, I think it may cost slightly less than Plesk, and it seems to have more features.

IMO, DotNetPanel is looking like the "best" Windows panel at the moment.

EDIT: forgot to mention, DotNetPanel has EXCELLENT support and Ive almost always gotten a response in less than 30 minutes by Email. In comparison, Paralells has probably the WORST support ive seen when it comes to Plesk.

Not trying to attack anybody, just sharing my experience.
We are using dotnet panel and also recommending to our clients here, its doing its job for a low cost, compared to plesk its far better in price to quality ratio.

I highly recommend Dotnetpanel, before this Helm was good but once it was purchased by parallels it lost its shine

Its just a price difference. Like most people have already stated "DotNet" is cheaper then "Plesk" but, I do believe that more people know Plesk and have the skills over DotNet. In return people will still purchase Plesk over DotNet. This is just my thoughts in all this.
Yes still people are purchasing plesk because its famous and many hosting companies still plesk, i never find any top host providing dot net panel leased license at affordable cost to the customers including softlayer, theplanet etc

If the hosting companies give the leased license surely dotnetpanel will become familiar word to the hosting persons

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