edinburgh hotels and travel website, please review.

Nice and fast site. I'm a little concerned with so many links on the main page that it may get penalized by search engines. Internal pages are also loaded with links at the bottom of the page. Google would have a field day on this.

Again, I like the layout etc, and it's nice and fast, but with so many links you may be relying on people and paid advertising to spread the word rather than people finding you in a search engine.
The layout of the site is good. But some works needs to be done on the colors for the website, but again its my personal view. Others might not think that way.
Great Site - Kudos

Wow. This is a great site. Good work! I actually don't have a problem with the colors or contrast. It's very fast and certainly very thorough. Kudos. :)
Nice website. It's clean and easy to navigate. The great thing about your website is that it markets to all people (old, young, male or females) but, you left it interesting. Well done. Your content is arranged in such a way its not overwhelming to visitors.
Simply laid out site, which is quite good. Only thing I found is that there's a lot of links on each page, and they don't stand out (e.g., underlined, etc). It's difficult to tell what's a link and what's normal text until you mouseover it and find out.
Great work. Not really my taste, but I'm not your target. I'd like to give you some feedback, but I don't have any. Everything looks great the way it is.
nice work - I recognise many of the edinburgh ones, not too far away from where I live.

Did you do the background programming, ie DB upload of the properties etc??