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New member
I am looking for a VPS plan from a European hosting provider. I need about 100 mb of storage and 5 GB of traffic.

Please, let me know if there are some.
Are you sure you'd like to go for a VPS solution with only 100 MB of storage and 5 GB of traffic needed? Why not shared hosting?
European VPS


If you are looking for a European VPS server, you could expect greater resources than that, and competitive pricing to boot.

Please take a moment to review our site at - we can make a specific offer for you as follows:

VPS 30 server
5GB Disk Space
256MB guaranteed RAM
4GB burstable RAM
50,000MB Data Transfer
1 Dedicated Static IP address
100Mbit conenction to internet, 100mbit capable
Quad Xeon server (not hyperthreaded)
IBM xSeries equipment
15K RPM SCSI RAID storage
Daily Backups

Price for this package is 24.95€ per month.

There are significant discounts available for annual commitments.

Best regards,
Vasili / EuroVPS
Vasili from truly knows his stuff. I have worked with him in the past :) and he is a very kind/knowledgeable person. Can't go wrong here ;)
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