ezVPS.com - appraisal please


New member

The domain is ezVPS.com

Any thoughts?

I think it would be good for a hosting or VPS company, how much does it worth for you?

Thanks and best regards!
You might be able to find a motivated buyer, but not many serious businesses would be interested in a slang version of a name. EZ sounds like easy but it doesn't portray a very professional image.
Thank you very much Blue.

To me the word easy represents "not complicated", so I wouldn't say it sounds unprofesional; however I will certainly take your point of view into consideration for this sale and for future domain registrations. Thanks again Blue :thumbsup:

Any other thought please? How much should I ask for it?

Best regards.
jandres4 said:
Thank you very much Blue.

To me the word easy represents "not complicated", so I wouldn't say it sounds unprofesional; however I will certainly take your point of view into consideration for this sale and for future domain registrations. Thanks again Blue :thumbsup:

Any other thought please? How much should I ask for it?

Best regards.

Correct me if I am wrong Blue, but I dont think you were saying that the term 'easy' was 'unprofessional' but more so using the slang 'EZ' to be 'unprofessional'.

I think that the domain name holds some potential for a more personal corner of the market...but I dont think that businesses (small or large) are going to look at the name ezVPS as something they want to hinge their business on.

I would agree that you could probably get mid $xx for the domain name. :thumbsup:
InnovativeHost said:
Correct me if I am wrong Blue, but I dont think you were saying that the term 'easy' was 'unprofessional' but more so using the slang 'EZ' to be 'unprofessional'.
Ah ok, now I get that!

Thank you all for your comments, I appretiate it!

Best regards!
InnovativeHost said:
Correct me if I am wrong Blue, but I dont think you were saying that the term 'easy' was 'unprofessional' but more so using the slang 'EZ' to be 'unprofessional'.

That is correct Innovative.

It's not so much the word as the contraction of the word.

That said, a domain is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
I have had domains that were appraised at a very small fraction of what I was paid for them. It's all about having the patience to match the right domain with the right buyer.
Well, some would say Godaddy doesn't convey a professional image, but I would say that for someone who knew what to do with it, it worked quite well. :D
ldcdc said:
Well, some would say Godaddy doesn't convey a professional image, but I would say that for someone who knew what to do with it, it worked quite well. :D

When you have a 7 figure budget the domain doesn't mean a thing.
Just ask Monster.com
ldcdc said:
Well, some would say Godaddy doesn't convey a professional image, but I would say that for someone who knew what to do with it, it worked quite well. :D

Thanks for your comments ldcdc :thumbsup:, I really appretiate it!

And thank you again Blue, I hope I can find someone with a good budget :) . If not, at least a buyer interested in develop the domain name for his business..

Any other thoughts or comments are most welcome ;)

Best regards!
Blue said:
Have you considered using the domain yourself to sell or resell vps servers?
Yes, in fact that was the idea in the first place. However I'm currently offering VPS services for the latin market and the domain name seems not to have the same acceptance. The thing is, "ez" sounds like easy in english, but it doesn't mean anything in spanish :(.

I'm still thinking about it, but I thought is best for me to have an idea of the value of the domain.

Thanks again Blue

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