Falcon-Hosting.net REVIEW

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Name and URL of hosting company: Falcon-Hosting (www.falcon-hosting.net)
Hosted URL(s): http://cmm.falcon-hosting.net/
Description of service(s) used: Basic plan
How long have you been using the service(s): 10 days
Detailed review: I have been with this company for 10 days and I am already REALLY impressed with thier services AND prices.. I ordered the basic plan for ONLY $3 and got a ton of features with cpanel.. also they have a $1 plan right now.. if you are short on cash this plan could be great for you..
Pros: Great services, Great support, GREAT prices!
Cons: Havent really found any yet.. I guess their website needs some work.. but they are getting a custom one a believe.
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? 100% yes
So their $3 account is a subdomain of their main hosting account?

Are you affiliated with Falcon Hosting yourself?

A web hosting company without a real website doesn't look all the promising to me. Having a notice saying "this is a temporary website until our custom site is finished" doesn't instill much confidence - http://falcon-hosting.net/index-1.html

Also, the domain was only registered on 2/28/2010 - so you've been using them for 10 days, meaning you started on day 1?

So Steven, tell us - are you the operator of the hosting company?
yes the subdomain was free with purchase.. and I know the guy who started this company .. he told me about it when he started it and I needed hosting....
While I thank you for your review and for following the template, I am afraid that 10 days is not sufficient to properly evaluate the level of service. I would highly suggest to come back 6, 12 months later and post an update, and mention how many downtimes, if any, you've experienced, how fast was the support when you needed them, etc.
Yep - looks like the $3.00/month price tag wasn't enough to make money (go figure).

Artashes, this thread can probably be closed at this point.
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