Fantastico - Is it a Web Hosting Feature you Use?

I REALLY like Fantastico ... BUT ... have never used it to install any new scripts or programs.

Before my current host ... I found the available packages were out of date so I would go to the softwares site to get the newest version and installed them manually myself. Admittedly ... that habit is now so ingrained that with my current host I've continued the habit.

BUT ... its been GREAT in giving me ideas of programs out there that I never knew were available. And I would use Fantastico, now that I think about it, to install a "test" site to check it all out. But ... always downloaded & installed the latest versions for a "production site". Sometimes there are "upgrades" & security updates that you don't know about in the install version offered by Fantastico.

Fantastico is one of the best offerings that you can provide a client. It is definitely well-known and very easy to use. I remember just getting into web design and my host offered it, really fell in love with it ever since then.
I wouldn't get rid of Fantastico, it is definitely too useful to even think about it. Clients really enjoy this feature being included in their accounts. It definitely saves them time when looking for and installing a variety of different scripts.
Was there a reason for that double post? You could have edited your first one...

But as you said, when I first got into web dev, I fell in love with it.
Theres so many different type of installers now... Installatron is pretty good they work with Cpanel, Direct Admin, and Plesk =D

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