Favorite Season!

Your idea of Winter and mine are most likely entirely different.
Try out a few winters here in Canada and see.
I kinda' prefer spring, at least spring here. It's not too hot, everything's green, the rains keep the air fresh and the dust away.

This is why I prefer my holidays to be in May or June.
Well I'm from Sweden, I can't love winter. it's already covered in snow here.

I would take summer for the whole year.
Favorite Season

I have to say that my favorite season is Summer. Here, we have a time when the sun is out and beaming and nature is in full bloom. Sunshine always puts me in a good mood, gets those brain chemicals stirred up and excited. Summertime is a great time for vacations, leisure strolls and outings in the sun.
I love spring and Autumn the temperature is just right. It can be too hot during summer and I hate it because it is giving me a sweaty back. Winter can be too cold. Spring and autumn is just right for me.

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