FDCServers.net expansion in Denver Colorado


New member
Chicago, February 4, 2009 FDCServers.NET LLC (“FDC”), announced expansion into Denver, Co.

FDC's new datacenter will be located in the central business district, at 15th and Champa Streets in Denver, Co.

The new facility will continue FDC's focus on providing reliable bandwidth, dedicated servers and colocation at reasonable prices. The new datacenter is expected to go live in March 2009 featuring a new line of dedicated servers, new colocation packages, carrier neutral options and very exciting promotions for all new orders.

The new datacenter will initially feature a total of 40Gbps of internet connectivity from TATA Communications, Comcast and Internap with expected growth to 100+Gbps. Carrier neutral customers will have easy and inexpensive access to many tier1 and tier2 carriers. With a thousand miles between FDC's datacenters, FDC will introduce inexpensive offsite data backup solutions for its customers.

FDC plans to add a total of 40Gbps of full transit from TATA communications (AS6453) throughout March and April 2009, distributed at both FDC datacenters. TATA communications operate a global IP network with POPs in US, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia http://lg.as6453.net/bin/lg.cgi.
FDC also plans to increase its Comcast connectivity to 80Gbps by April 2009.

FDC has been in business since 2002, saving its customers millions of dollars on bandwidth. Our goal has remained the same over the years, to deliver the best deal on bandwidth to our customers.

If you have any questions about this announcement please contact sales@fdcservers.net or 1-312-423-6675