[For Hire] Tech Support Agent - Paid 4 each Ticket


New member
Hello All,

First off let me introduce myself, I am Steven Perks a 15 year old grade nine graduate. (Please don't let this turn you off I am very mature) I am in search of a job as a tech support agent, I would also take in jobs for customer service rep, sales. Main one being tech support agent.

I am going to be posting a url at the end of this post which is to my resume of which you can find all my references and experiences.

As for salary I would like to be paid for each ticket rather than on an hourly basis’s. This is because I believe you should only be paying me for work I am done. If I receive no tickets one day I don't believe you should be paying me to sit here and be friendly. I like to work and get paid when needed. I would like to get around 0.75-2.00$ US per a ticket or 5.00-12.00$ an hour on live chat.

Now for a resume, www.savefile.com/files/6952577 this is in MSWord format.

As for contacting me I have two ways in my resume, msn and email. I would rather not be phoned.

Some more ways to contact me are the following.

1. Email: betaorge[at]gmail.com OR stevenperks[at]eastlink.ca
2. MSN/AIM: betaorge@hotmail.com / DubTheWorld

As for times I can work, I would like to work steady hours, most likely between the times 12AM and 9PM GMT. (I live in -4 GMT so it is 9AM-6PM my time)


Steven Perks
15 years old. If you were to get a job, what would your hours of availablity be during the school year?
Hello TiNner,

My hours durning the school year would be 4PM to 10PM. Plus I can check tickets durning school as well because my school is very technology orintated.


Steven Perks
15 Year Old in NINTH Grade? I respect that but when you say you are mature, why would we think you aren't? I am not doubting you, I actually see a lot of talent in you, I remember a friend of mine that had a very successful hosting company at age 13.
Hello Phlint.com,

I thank you for your intrest in my application. I also thank you for asking questions. Here is a simple explination to your question. I am a honors student in grade ten. I have graduated from grade nine with many awards in academic's including English. So I post grade nine for education. I can totally understand why people believe a 15 year old may not be as mature as a 21 year old. Because of the fact alot of teens are deteriorating the age. Because of this I am having to work extra hard in order to make sure people see me as mature. I don't expect many people to respond to my ad but so far I have had nothing. I am forced to go looking for employers rather than employers looking for me. I don't like the fact people don't trust 15-16's because of their age. But that is how it is, I can only ask of people to give them a chance. But many while not take the risk, therefore I am willing to work for free, or in exchange for hosting or other services.

Best of luck to all!
Hello Phlint.com,

Thank you for your questions!

I would like to get around 0.75-2.00$ US per a ticket or 5.00-12.00$ an hour on live chat.

(Above is how much)

I am familiar with the following helpdesks.

  • Kayako -> eSupport
  • HelpCenterLive
  • phpSupport
  • ClientExec/ModernBill -> Built in Helpdesks
  • Cerberus Helpdesk
  • phpHelpDesk
  • h2Desk
  • OmniStar -> Helpdesk

Thank you!

Are you still seeking work? If so, please contact me at the email address below so that we can get you started making money.
Thank You!

For everyone who was intrested in my services!

I have probley found somebody who will be willing to hire me and will be getting back to you if everything goes ok or if it doesn't. Anyways the current intresting companies are TDAGaming and Lytenhost.
