Fragacow Looking for Staff members

What are the reviews on?
What benefits do the reviewers get? Do they get paid? Promotion for them/their sites?

Just asking :)
Reviews: Hardware, Software, and Games
Pay: No Pay but each member gets a free subscription to FAC Premium
Promotion: I'm assuming advertising which in this case they would get a discount.
Here is a better explination of the stuff we have worked out for jobs. FAC premium is still in the works, because of the required startup cost we would need sponsored or discounted servers which may be hard to find. Discount on advertisting for all staffmembers is looking to be 50% of the nomral cost. We haven't even got that cost figured out yet. Trying to get staff and to get our content managment system finished.

Job Title: Reviewer
Number of Open spots: 10
Job Duties: Depending on applicants preference in console or in PC they would review new hardware, games, and software. They would bet trained in our custom built content management system that includes a review system (about 80% complete).
Job Requirements: You must have good detail when writing a review for it to get published. First hand knowledge of HTML is a plus and so will spelling and grammar. No one is perfect including me.
Job Pay: None except a free subscription to or FAC Premium when it comes available in early 2005.
Application: Should be e-mailed to with the subject of Reviewer Application. Deadline is September 30th.

Job Title: Forum Moderator
Job Duties: Keeping people in line and taking part in helping the forum community and web site grow in popularity.
Number Open Spots: 10
Job Requirements: Previous Moderator or admin experience preferred, first had experience with phpBB required.
Job Pay: Because of you not being a full staff member you will receive some of the FAC Premium options free. If you purchase the whole package you would get a discount.
Applications: Should be e-mailed to with the subject of Moderator Application. Deadline is September 30th

Job Title: Public Relations Officer
Job Duties: This will be a very important job and has option for paying later on down the road. Your job will be to contact the major vendors of hardware and software to try to work out one of the two. Discounted software and hardware for us to do our reviews. Or of course free .
Number Open Spots: 1
Job Requirements: Previous experience is always a plus, but applicant must provide reasons they should be chosen.
Job Pay: FAC Premium along with optional paid wage later on down the road.
Applications: Should be e-mailed to with the subject of Public Relations Officer Application. Deadline is September 30th