Free Hosting Templates.

HS Nick

New member
hey guys checkout

there are a few hosting templates that are ok. like the first 1 1/2 then they starting downing downhill :(

but they are all free to download :)

And they all come with the .psd so you can edit them.

That sounds good, I'll check them out,

Although then you're site can look like someone elses. Originality is a lot better, and theres nothing like designing your own tempalte and the satisfaction you get when it's complete.
That is true. Thats why i hate templates and refuse to use 1. just though i would share it with the community though.
Yes, some people dont have time to make their own nor the money to get someone to do it for them. Although a lot of free templates say you cant use them for commercial websites
This place i gave a link for let you use them for a webhosting business if you would like. But you are not allow to reseller them without a resellers license. which costs $99/year
That's not bad then. I always think it looks bad when theres a link and copyright to another site there. Plus the link adds to their PR and subtracts from yours

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