Free VPS For GameServer

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New member
I need a free VPS to make a game server, that supports 200 peoples at the same time (or less)

This is what I need:

I prefer Windows VPS, but linux is ok
512MB or 1GB RAM
20 GB Disk Space
200GB Transfer

if you have other specifications post here,no problem:D

Sorry for my English, I'm using the google translator.

Thanks. MarcosMC
If I was to give you a Free VPS (Value $50-$100/month), what do I get in return? What will the VPS be used for?

1- there will always be 200 peoples or more, depending on the VPS (if you give me 2GM Ram is best but 1 is ok) and NO LAGG
2- I can bring publicity to the server entry (Powered and Hosted by ......)
3- I can bring publicity in the web
4-people to see the hosting server,the speed and NO LAGG it will buy more of your products

the vps will be used to create a flyff server:D

Thanks for answering my post, if I can give the vps, I prefer windows

Sorry for my english, i´m using Google Translator.

I'm sorry but I highly doubt anyone will supply you with a free VPS just for a simply advertisement to a bunch of gamers who never end up paying the bill the next month, if they even buy in the first place.
Then don't make an offer.
In the future if you don't want to offer in this forum there is no need for you to comment.
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