Game Needs Host

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New member
CasinoForce is a online text-based MMORPG based on gambling and casinos. There is no real money involved in the game aside from the user's ability to buy in-game items with real money. The game is 20% complete and needs a host to test and debug the current and upcoming scripts for the game. It doe's have a domain and a current host but I am unhappy with my hosts resources and my current system admin never seems to be on anymore.

-- Required --
PHP 4 +
75mb Space (We most likely wont use that much)
10gb Bandwidth+ (More would be better as games like the one I am making usually have 200+ users playing all the time)
1x MySQL Database's
1x Parked Domain
No Forced Ad's
Cron jobs

-- Optional --

In exchange for this I can provide:

* A text-link or small button to your hosting company on every page.
* A small cut of the profits once it gets going.

Please contact me via
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