Giving Godaddy a trial run


New member
I signed up for their cheapest package today, which was even much cheaper than I thought, just to give it a test drive or trial run, whatever you want to say. I want to see how their shared hosting runs compared to others and it is on sale right now for super cheap. $1.99/mo for 3 months so I said finally, I will give it a try. Will let you know how it goes!
I'm glad to hear that your trying them out.

They where the first company ever that I used in the web hosting industry. I was with them for about 1 month I believe. Please due keep us informed on how your service is provided to you.
As long as they provide the services that you require and they're charging $1.99/month, go for it. What does it change to after 3 months? Do they allow you to get out and move elsewhere? Did they have setup fees?

Fingers crossed that it works for you - I'm skeptical, but then it depends on what you're trying to do with the hosting package.
Good luck with your Godaddy site, Fellow!

I have used Godaddy before myself many years ago, and it was a pretty good host for what I had used it for. They seem to be a lot more popular now, but I couldn't tell you how good they are these days.
GoDaddy is a great company. I'm sure you'll be happy. I never have down time and it handles my fairly low bandwidth wonderfully.
What did they offer you with that plan? Was it a contract and what happens after the 3 months how much do you have to pay then.

Any update on your experience? Just curious about the service myself. I have brought users over from GoDaddy, so, I have seen the user interface. Not a big fan, but I have not used them for my needs either. So, my judgment is based on migration alone.
I've had no direct experience with GoDaddy, but have talked to quite a few prospects who claim to have been burnt by them. I have no way to verify their claims, so all of that could be sour grapes and is taken with a grain of salt. GoDaddy certainly didn't grow to the size they are by being a bad company. And moreso lately, I've seen a trend from negative to positive reviews.
I would love to hear your report on GoDaddy’s web hosting service as I have never had any luck with them.
It is nice that you figured a cheapest site.Let us know how is it going and maybe I could do a try it for myself and the others.