Google Chrome


New member
Hey guys,

I just want your opinions on Google Chrome. Everyone's talking about it, but I want to know why I should bother changing from my ol' friend Internet Explorer.

So, why google chrome? If you have another good browser please share :)
I use IE and have never had an issue. I'm always curious as to why others seem to.
I'm not sure who "everyone" is but I haven't heard any real talk yet about Google Chrome and have very little interest.

What would be the advantage?
Correction "everyone WAS talking about it". I do not hear anything about Google Chrome anymore. I installed it and used it for maybe a day or two. No matter what I always go back to my Firefox.
There HAS been a lot of media coverage of Chrome, I do agree. eWeek, Cnet, ZDNet, etc.

BUT, I have three browsers installed: IE, FF and Chrome. I used to be a huge fan of IE, but then I decided to switch due to it being rather slow in GMail (and also resource intensive). I don't have the latest system, so it matters. Most of the time now I use FF.

@ Blue: I didn't have any issues with IE either, but there are two special features that FF has won me over with: address bar URL history search and speed with Gmail.
hmm it really depends on you. But here is the summary, for me there are 2 best browsers

1.] FireFox - for plugins
2.] Chrome - for speed.
I am currently using Google Chrome, and so far I love it. It has a very minimalist layout which is one of the reasons why I like it.
I do not like googe chrome...I perfer IE more than anything...I'll use FF from time to time but IE seems to be better in my opinion.
I'm using IE 8.0 at this moment, I do not like it though. Why did we go back to squared corners when round was so hot. Why do they need to install all kinds of crap with it. I just want the damn browser.

I do love Google Chrome though. I have it install and as the primary for both Office & Home Office. So simple and easy to use. It seems to have some hard times with vbulletin though.

Fire fox I have never fell in love it. Opara is ok too. Being a design customizer it makes it nice to have all of them to check them.
I would have to agree that the first thing I noticed was the design - I used it for a few days at max and went back to IE8.
I do not trust google. It wants to have all the existing information including my (and everybody's) personal data, that is why I have never seen chrome.

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