Google rank


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I found hostingdiscussion from Google so I guess it should have high rank, but my rank bar shows that hostingdiscussion has 0/10 rank in google and 51,129 in Alexa.

It seems Google rank is not as important as before.
I have never put any weight toward Google PageRank, especially comparing it to some level of success on the web, and when anyone starts talking about PageRank as some kind of standard or a point of success.

What's important for me personally is to have my sites listed fairly and highly for the relevant terms, such as hosting forum or web hosting forum, then some other terms and company names that are popular within the industry. That's all that matters because I am not after attracting a particular demographic - I am after attracting those who need hosting advice, have something to share or who in one way or another are related to the web hosting industry. A high page rank would give me nothing.

I also understand that today high page rank mostly belong to websites that are being linked to just a massive amount of times and consistently within other reliable sources. Sites like Amazon, CNet, NYTimes will essentially have high page rank because people link to them all the time.

But then perhaps my perception of Google PageRank is completely wrong.
PR is not the most important anymore, traffic and hits on keywords mostly work for me, I am rated PR 2 however I am page one in google for some highly used keywords.
PR is not the most important anymore, traffic and hits on keywords mostly work for me, I am rated PR 2 however I am page one in google for some highly used keywords.
Having over 800 links to your domain is helping your SERPS tremendously. :D Good work.
I agree that PageRank maybe not so important as it used to be. The main purpose I optimize my blogs to get them well ranked by Google is to get more paid review jobs from review brokers. :)
Pagerank is useful when it's available, that's for sure. I've seen respectable sites that have a high Pagerank and those with low Pagerank. To me, Pagerank is useful only for evaluating whether you would gain by having a back-link from a site or not.
Codero ranks number 3 right now in a Google search for dedicated servers and their PageRank is 0. I'm seeing HostingDiscussion with a PageRank of 2. Anytme you see a site with 0 PageRank ranking high in Google searches, you'll normally see thousands upon thousands of backlinks to their URL and domain. :D
PageRank is one factor considered by Google when it begins evaluating link popularity of domains. It is possible to gain some cool links from highly relevant sources and PR of all of them could be even zero but they are still valuable.

On the other hand, some webmasters who are constantly buying high PR links for their websites might end up having top PR domains but do you believe their higher PageRank scores would also lead to their guaranteed sop positions?
I think constantly buying high PR links will get you penalized by Google, and devastate your rankings.
PR is no longer used as a ranking factor in Google. It's become more of a play thing for advertisers to try and increase their rates for advertising.
PR is no longer used as a ranking factor in Google. It's become more of ...

... a thing that makes some webmasters excited when they see it go up, and extremely sad and frustrated when it goes down.

PR has been relevant for about a year when it launched, then it was over. It has become nothing more than slang term lingo for people and SEO "professionals" who have no idea what they are talking about and not willing to learn.
Yep - I still was happy when my PR4 went to PR5 and then my PR5 site went to PR6.. It's a small little pat on the back, but at the end of the day, it's irrelevant :)

I do however pay attention to Alexa Rank as, for the most part, it tracks publicly how popular website is (based on users who have the Alexa Toolbar installed on their browser). I use this primarily for scouting new blogs for banner advertising etc.
Yep - I still was happy when my PR4 went to PR5 and then my PR5 site went to PR6.. It's a small little pat on the back, but at the end of the day, it's irrelevant :)

I do however pay attention to Alexa Rank as, for the most part, it tracks publicly how popular website is (based on users who have the Alexa Toolbar installed on their browser). I use this primarily for scouting new blogs for banner advertising etc.
And I love Alexa - to find out where my competition is advertising - via the backlinks.
I have never put any weight toward Google PageRank

If this is so with Page Rank, what index should we use to measure website popularity and quality?

Besides Google Page Rank and Alexa, are there other accurate and trustful alternatives?

Obviously, to be able determine how websites are ranked by visitors is an important piece of information for everybody that has a website and for the professionals that do SEO.

Alexa is good for seeing how much traffic a site gets, but at the end of the day it depends on how you want to rank against the other website Rodrigo.

For me, I don't look at places like Godaddy and say - wow, they get "X" traffic. Much like I don't look at one of my main competitors in a niche industry and say "wow they have that much traffic". At the end of the day I look at the quality leads and how much exposure they have compared to my exposure. I rely on Marketing Samurai quite heavily for my SEO stuff to track rankings of specific words, backlinks and overall potential traffic.

Potential traffic and REAL traffic are two different things, but if you're exposed correctly, you will have things work out in the end.

Statbrain was another that was quite popular along with your regular Google Trending, Quantcast, Compete and various others. I don't know how accurate they are however - I know they're not accurate on my websites :)

When we do SEO work for people through, we don't look at how much traffic a site gets, but rather how well a word ranks for SEO and adjust for those needs. 10,000 people coming to the site does me no good if they're looking for Fishing in Omaha. 10 people looking for Web Hosting is a much better result for me :)

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