Great Forum But....


New member
This is a great froum but been noticing ppl have been posting on old treads and just my 2 cents is to bulid points to beable to advertise. Might want to clean out some of the old treads and we all can work together to keep these forums current
It always has happened, however since some threads still can still hold valued content, they are not cleaned out. If a user is found attempting to try and earn points [New Users go straight to the General Discussion forum first only to find you don't get points and begin to bump old threads] they will receive a warning or possibly a temp. ban.
Hello Nobull,

Thank you for your feedback and kind words. You see, in addition to what Marks already said (those who post to earn points), there are two types of posts: quality and garbage. If we see users abusing the system by posting very brief responses (usually few words long), we have a rule in place that clearly states:

If a user is found to be spamming all over the forum with useless posts with sole idea to get more points, he/she will more likely end up being banned without warning.

The HD Reward Store serves as an extra complimentary service provided to valued members of this community. We will NOT tolerate putting the quality of this board in the middle as an abuse medium.
In a such a case the user will receive a personalized warning. If behavior continues, we usually ban the user.

However, if a new member posts meaningful messages and actually adds value/knowledge to the thread, then it is not treated the same way. Although if many old threads are being bumped, the user will receive a personalized note suggesting to check the dates of threads before responding.

When it comes to actual thread content - if it doesn't hold value today, it will most likely end up being closed.

In future, we are thinking to implement a hack that will notify a user that is replying to an old thread and suggest opening a new one instead.

We also think that not having a posting limitation would decrease the quality of this board. Many light-minded users who just want to advertise might not want to earn such privilege in the first place, so it keeps them away.

If you can think of any further ways how we can improve HostingDiscussion, please do not hesitate to speak up!

PS: My apologies for the delay in response. I was away for holidays.
I have to admit that being able to go back in the posts has proven handy a number of times over my time here.

I will have a "problem" of some kind ... remember something similar was discussed before here ... and I can go back & find that discussion. Much better than having the same discussions over & over & over again :)

It's nice to have the useful old post I was just kinda stating what I saw. There was a few I saw bumped and was going to reply to till i notice that the where like 6 mos old or older. I know running a forum isn't easy and i like the # of points you have to earn to advertise thats shows that the advertiser was a member and posted before advertising
Nobull said:
It's nice to have the useful old post I was just kinda stating what I saw. There was a few I saw bumped and was going to reply to till i notice that the where like 6 mos old or older. I know running a forum isn't easy and i like the # of points you have to earn to advertise thats shows that the advertiser was a member and posted before advertising

It's also based on the size of a forum :)

The more active forums, the more posts, and the more times each issues come up. Due to the increased activity on a more popular forum, the old threads on the same thing disappear from the forum 'page one', and so people are more likely to open a new thread. On less active forums, when the same thing is already in an old thread but on 'page one' of a forum, it's much more likely to be replied to and bumped back up.

The hack for "this thread is XXX old, you may want to consider posting a new thread" is nice and works well on WHT. Whether it'd work as well on a smaller forum I'm not sure - WHT stuff is still mostly relevant 3 months on, and during that time, it'll have probably come up dozens of times as well in other threads - so it makes more sense to either find a more recent thread or start a new one. On HD, that's much less likely to happen.
Nobull said:
and i like the # of points you have to earn to advertise thats shows that the advertiser was a member and posted before advertising
In addition, it also allows anyone to check into users' posting activity before purchasing something from here. Personally, I would rather know how a certain someone earned the right to advertise before opening my wallet. If posting behavior wasn't impressive - to me that says what kind of service I can expect. :)

Alasdair, you are right on the subject as well.
There is not a ton of activity here, and that's partially why. It's all Artashes and a few others posting here. If everyone had became active, this forum would be seriously booming.
hmm never knew points mattered so much. I have tons and tons, but I never really cared for them. I don't advertise much anyways, so points aren't a big thing for me. I'm mostly browsing threads learning and sharing knowledge.

Closing old threads has it's pro's and con's like people have mentioned above. Personally I think they should be left open. However, mabye after say 1 yr the thread self closes. I know there is a vbulletin hack for it.