Greetings all...


New member
After having been a webmaster for about 4 years and having about a dozen websites, I've decided to educate myself more on some of the finer details of hosting. Towards this goal I've started a hosting related site (a forum no less, apologies to Mr. Diver! ;) ) and in my research I found this great site, so I've joined up. I've been a programmer since age 13, and that was about 25 years ago.

So anyway, hello everyone! :)
Hey Mark,
Thanks for joining and hope you enjoy the forum :)
Good luck with your new site, hope you do well :)

You said about programming, what languages do you know?

In the old days, I did Pascal, Lisp, Basic, COBOL, Assembly and others, professionally I've done a lot of C, C++, X11/Motif, csh, and a bit of VB. As a webmaster I've hacked on a lot of Perl and PHP.