Greetings From Canada Eh!


New member
Greetings Everyone.

My name is Michael. I'm 36 from Toronto Canada.
I joined this forum in hopes to learn and make new friends in the hosting industry. I do run my own hosting business but only started it a couple of days ago.

I have a background in Web design and can do a little html and css. I love doing reviews and trying to help others make there business amazing.

Thanks for having me here on HostingDiscussion
Hi Mike, thank you for taking the time to write a few words about yourself. It is especially cool to meet fellow Canadians in the business. ;)

Congratulations, two days is such an exciting time. I am glad you decided to join, it is a great way to consult with others, grow your professional network and earn the attention of potential customers. We have experts in every possible subject, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

What is your business website?

Btw, if you have any questions or concerns about the forum, you are welcome to reach out to me directly.

Welcome to the forums! There's a ton of information here, so don't be afraid to use the search button - but failing that, feel free to post your questions and I'm sure you'll get a bunch of results.

Don't be afraid to share your wisdom with us too! While you may be new to the industry, I'm sure there's already a handful of things you've stumbled upon that you wish was better/easier. So voice those concerns and give us "old timers" something to look back on, and maybe even build a tool to ease the pain!

Welcome to the forums!
Hi Mike, thank you for taking the time to write a few words about yourself. It is especially cool to meet fellow Canadians in the business. ;)

Congratulations, two days is such an exciting time. I am glad you decided to join, it is a great way to consult with others, grow your professional network and earn the attention of potential customers. We have experts in every possible subject, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

What is your business website?

Btw, if you have any questions or concerns about the forum, you are welcome to reach out to me directly.


Sorry I did not see this until now. My website is