Guess My Age


New member

now, I admit, the design is pretty naff, other than the header. It was just a quick thing made by my coder, but I want to make it better...should I just start a fresh? Improve this one, add some colour for a start...what would you prescibe?

I'd also be interested in knowing what people think of the site...any tips?
I usually like simple and clean web design, but this is missing something. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems like it needs something.

Yeah, I agree totally with you lpelham. I'd maybe spice the images up, make them more interwinded, and make some kind of border... I'd also split the table back to 1 at the bottom for the advirt - and make it bigger so it looks more suited (and get more clicks ;)).
Thanks Winnopeg! For some reason, nothing was coming to mind! But I like you advice - I think that would make just enough difference in the page to make it nicer.

No problem :) You've got a really cool site there - I spent a good ten minutes guessing ages :p Great idea there :D
the concept is pretty unique, and you are getting visitors also i guess, but very frankly speaking, the layout looks pretty boring, what is it i dont know, maybe refer winnopegs post above ^^
Oh, i love the topic! Great concept. I recommend frame/border around the image and keep them in the same size area. Ditch the patterned background. Your site definately needs some pink color to it (okay I'm biased there) Great site. I stayed and voted. Closest I got was guessing a gal at 41 and she was 40. My worst guess was guessing a 17 year old at 28. OOPS! :)
Your site is awesome. You can easily access and of course a very user friendly. Keep up the good work girl and keep on improving....
That is a really awsome site and idea but I just think it looks a bit to plan. The aduience that site is targeted to would not be impressed by the colors and layout of the site. I think that if you did a redesign you could make the site a lot better and if you preformed some adbridge the site would make a lot more money.