HandOfHosting.com - Shared and Resellers Hosting - Lifetime coupons, Cpanel!

HandOfHosting.com is a new company here to give you a hand with your hosting needs. Partnering with some of the best Data Centers in USA and having a great network with the latest hardware is how we help you. We are based out of Chicago, offering the central location to help you connect to East and West Coast quick and easy. Our affordable plans offer you choice to grow. Using the latest cpanel, whm, softaculous and more is the best way we can offer you the best hosting and speed for your business or websites.

Current Promotions:
LoveHoH - 30% off life of the account any hosting plan, Monthly, quarterly semi-annual, annual.
NamePros - 25% off recurring, Life of the account, for any payment term.

Find the latest Promotions on Twitter: @HandOfHosting

Each plan comes with:
Unlimited Addon Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited MySQl Databases
99.9% uptime
Fast Servers
Great Support
Unbeatable price

Shared Hosting Special
1 gig space
50 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited e-mail Accounts
Unlimited FTP accounts
Price: $3.95/month
Click here to buy

5 gigs space
100 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Email accounts
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Price: $5.95/month
Click here to buy

10 gigs space
150 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited Email accounts
Price: $9.95/month
Click here to buy

Resellers Hosting Special
5 gigs space
100 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Addon Domains
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited E-mail Accounts
cPanel and Softaculous
10 Client Accounts
Price: $9.95/month
Click here to buy

20 gigs space
200 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Addon Domains
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited E-mail Accounts
cPanel and Softaculous
50 Client Accounts
Price: $19.95/month
Click here to buy

40 gigs space
400 gigs bandwidth
Unlimited Addon Domains
Unlimited MySql Databases
Unlimited E-mail Accounts
cPanel and Softaculous
Unlimited Client account
Price: $29.95/month
Click here to buy

Test IP and File
Test IP:
Test File: http://handofhosting.com/test/test100.zip

If you have any questions or would like to start saving money and getting better service.
Send us an Email [COLOR="royalblue"]sales@HandOfHosting.com[/COLOR]

Follow us On Twitter : HandOfHosting

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