Have you ever listed your business on craigslist?


New member
I was wondering if it was proven effective. I am looking for every avenue to market my websites that I create.
Yes, we have used Craigslist, and even though it hasn't been very effective, we will continue to advertise there. We just need to tweak our message.

I've used Craigslist, personally, with great success.
I can't say it's particularly "effective" but it does bring in a few more 'eyeballs'. Would I spend a lot of time on it? No...
I didn't try it yet. But I saw some good reviews about it - in term of marketing your product on craiglist.
When the time allows ... I will surely make a research on them.
I tried it a few years ago with a different company. Not a lot of response.

Personally I've used it several times with good results and, of course, I've bought stuff there. :)
I wold say it depends on the type of clientele you wanted. If you are looking for people that pays a premium, then it is not the place for you. Otherwise, change headline. I have run the same ad with different headline and no body change. The difference is incredible. Just keep trying different wording and track your result.
I wold say it depends on the type of clientele you wanted. If you are looking for people that pays a premium, then it is not the place for you. Otherwise, change headline. I have run the same ad with different headline and no body change. The difference is incredible. Just keep trying different wording and track your result.

How do you track Craigslist ads? I didn't know you could do that...
I have never used craigslist yet to promote my business but am delving into it. I have heard much discussion about this but because i dont use craigslist i dont really believe in it being able to benefit my business. Especially the type of work that i am in
Humm never considered Craigslist... To me Craigslist seems to be like the "garage sale" of the internet type site.

Granted I guess any traffic is better than no traffic... I'll have to look into it..

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