Have you tried Woopra? Analytics software


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Some of you probably haven't heard of Woopra. First of all I am not a salesman for them or anything, not even an affiliate, I just like the software. It's actually pretty amazing. It is similar to google analytics in the fact that it is a web site tracking or analytics program. But it offers quite a few perks that aren't available with google. Perks like seeing exactly who is live on your web site in real time, and being able to initiate a chat with that user if you want. Anyway, here is a video regarding woopra that shows some of the basic functions and features. It is free, they do offer a paid version for those of you getting thousands of uniques daily though I believe. You can view your stats online similar to google, or actually download a client to your machine, which is awesome.

Are any of you using Woopra? Thoughts?
Sounds amazing. I watched the video the functionality shown is pretty impressive and also looking complex than that of Google analytics.
How can I give it a try?
I checked out the program, and it's pretty nice, the downfall however was that with a lot of visitors it slowed down the site quite a bit. I ran the software for approx 2 hours on a site generating just over 2000 pageviews per hour - noticeably slower, so I've removed it.

It did generate some great information but due to the callbacks to their server etc, it seemed to slow things down - and we all know nobody likes a slow site. So for now it's removed again, but maybe I'll check it out again in the future when they update their callback system.
I have it installed on my notebook and have used it to check the realtime visitors browsing some of my sites. It looks fine and shall be helpful for many people. I didn't purchase the service however. But I probably will if I start using it on regular basis.
We are using google analytics from a long time. I have never heard about woopra before. It’s looking nice. I will give it a try.
Cool looking piece of software may have to give it a try. We have been using google analytics for a while. This might be a nice improvement.

Haven't tried using Woopra too. But I've heard it's kinda hard to figure things out. But I'll see for myself. :) Thanks for sharing!
never tried woopra, not to say its good or bad but i use google, tried and tested and never had a prob, gives me everything i need to no so never considered a change.
Using Woopra for last couple of months, I use crazyeggs as well for heatmaps. Woopra is awesome in tracking exact location your visitors leaving your site. Their basic plan is enough for a hosting provider.
We have tried woopra. The only bad thing about it is that mostly their servers are down or they are really lagging. So I would not recommend woopra in your friendly website load time :)