Hello Everyone


New member

I would like to introduce myself to everyone and tell you a little about myself. I spent 22 years in the military and retired 3 years ago. When I retired I worked as a Maint. Manager for a large Swedish Corp. for 2 years. All the while I was running a web hosting business part time. About a year ago I decided to go out on my own and focus all my efforts on my business. Presently I am located in northern OH and work full time + on my business. I hope to learn alot from everyone here and hope that I can give back with some of the things I have experienced. Hope to see you out on the boards.

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Hi Mark! Welcome to HD!

We have at least two other "Marks" (though one is spelled Marc) that bring quite a bit of contribution to our board. I hope you'll be the third one. :)

Good luck with your business! :)
Hiya Mark,
Join Date: Jul 2005
It took you quite some time to start communicating with us. :)

Sweden is a wonderful country (not sure if you've been) that I visited in 1989. I was 8 years old, and I spent summer in Helsingør. Through a common friend we met a ferry camptain who takes people on a 20-minute journey between Sweden and Denmark, and I was once even behind the ship's wheel during a stormy weather. Definitely one of my best memories from my childhood.

Welcome to HostingDiscussion. Here is to many more pleasant discussions we'll have. :beer:
Welcome Mark (3rd Mark) :)

Welcome to HostingDiscussion.com and welcoming you to us (finally) :p Hope you enjoy your stay here and become an active member of this community :D