

New member
good morning everyone

I just registered with this forum and thought I would just say hi.

I'm new to all of this hosting stuff so I'm sure I will have lots of questions to ask but for now I just wanted to say hi :).

have a good day
Welcome in! (You do know the rule about new folks providing the first round of beer on Fridays, right? :D )

There are lots of pretty friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people in this forum - so feel free to ask any question.
Oh Lesli... :D

RockerChick, welcome to HostingDiscussion.com! I hope you enjoy your interaction with other members. Keep in mind that whether you are new to this hosting stuff or not, we'll help the best we can. :)
Welcome! I'm a wiskey fan, so you can pass my beer to Lesli, but if you're buying first round drinks, then a double Jameson on the rocks please ;)

Welcome again to the forums. Lots of helpful people and helpful posts!
wow thanks for the friendly hellos :D

I'm all about the beer :) lol....lets just keep it to those who said hi and some whiskey for that other guy who's name i forgot (sorry) lol
good morning everyone

I just registered with this forum and thought I would just say hi.

I'm new to all of this hosting stuff so I'm sure I will have lots of questions to ask but for now I just wanted to say hi :).

have a good day

Hello rockerchick31 you came to the right place. HD community has lots of valuable information and insight in web hosting world.