Here’s why you should never go for free hosting


New member
You must have come across companies offering free hosting and must have thought it’s great and painless to try them. But if you have tried them, you will know the problematic consequences of these fraudulent companies.Here’s a list of what you might lose and suffer from with free hosting:
1. Downtime
2. No support
3. No domains
4. No e-mails
5. Not much disk space
6. Limited bandwidth
7. Pop-ups
8. Lack of interactive features
9. Loss of content/data
10. May not be free forever

Hope this help?:)
I don't get why people do free. Hosting is how cheap now? And you get burned on that. If you want hosting that works do it for more then a mcds dollar menu deal.
these fraudulent companies.

i can 100% guarantee that if you try and report a free host for fraud you will just get laughed at as for them to commit fraud they need to take money from your for a product/service and then not provide this, but as its free you have no recourse.
most free hosts are just mis guided and think they can give free hosting and make their money through adverts on the sites.

we have offered free hosting through a sister site for registered charities and community groups where we provided them with the same support and resources as paid clients on our main site, but they had strict procdures before we gave them the free service. we sold this to a larger host thats main business was offering free hosting to charites.
You must have come across companies offering free hosting and must have thought it’s great and painless to try them. But if you have tried them, you will know the problematic consequences of these fraudulent companies.Here’s a list of what you might lose and suffer from with free hosting:
1. Downtime
2. No support
3. No domains
4. No e-mails
5. Not much disk space
6. Limited bandwidth
7. Pop-ups
8. Lack of interactive features
9. Loss of content/data
10. May not be free forever

Hope this help?:)

Sad thing is, sometimes paid hosts are just as bad as the free hosts (Ex: unlimited everything for $1 per month). One can even make an argument that those types of host are probably worse (because they are probably losing more money or trying to compensate by overcrowding on cheaper hardware). End of the day, in this industry (and pretty much anything in general), if you want quality, you have to pay for it. Simple as that.
One way or another you will pay for it and still not get the same quality of service as a paid provider. You get what you pay for.

- Daniel :)
You get what you pay for.

you can say that about anything.
what is best a £5 watch or a £15,000 Rolex?
you would all most likely say the Rolex, which should be the case but not always.

I have a £5 watch I bought off a street market 15 years ago (i use this everyday) and it is still working and keeps perfect time. in the 15 years i seem to purchase a new dress watch every 2 to 3 years at a cost of £40+ a time
Hi, It is 100 time better to search a paid web host rather then hosting your site on free web host because they are not so reliable.
I have a £5 watch I bought off a street market 15 years ago (i use this everyday) and it is still working and keeps perfect time. in the 15 years i seem to purchase a new dress watch every 2 to 3 years at a cost of £40+ a time

I think much of that is on perspective though, some people by watches to impress other people (not necessarily to keep time). So in that type of scenario a $5.00-$10.00 watch is probably not going to do you any justice.

There are many draw backups of the free hosting, and you can not trust the free hosting provider for the services.

There are many draw backups of the free hosting, and you can not trust the free hosting provider for the services.

i agree that their is less trust in a free hosting provider, but their is also some major long term free providers out thier, but most free providers are newbies who offer free hosting to generate a clientbase, but then find they cant continue as they cant afford their server fees as they are not generating an income, so they just shut up shop without notice to clients.
Consider that some clients only require a small space to host a non critical website with low traffic. So there is a demand for these free hosting accounts. At some point when the clients site gets to large for the free host then they will consider a paid host. If you treated your free hosting client well they may purchase your paid hosting accounts. It is just another marketing tool for hosting services.
Consider that some clients only require a small space to host a non critical website with low traffic. So there is a demand for these free hosting accounts. At some point when the clients site gets to large for the free host then they will consider a paid host. If you treated your free hosting client well they may purchase your paid hosting accounts. It is just another marketing tool for hosting services.

True, but this debate is about those hosts that set up only offering free hosting services and not hosting paid services.

Consider that some clients only require a small space to host a non critical website with low traffic. So there is a demand for these free hosting accounts.

you can pick up small shared hosting accounts for 50p/£1 a month, which gives you some trust with your host.
Despite all of your advices people would still use free hosting, folks just love this word - FREE! Sure, forum members of this community is exception
Despite all of your advices people would still use free hosting, folks just love this word - FREE! Sure, forum members of this community is exception

Its the same as you will still get people getting hosting from hosts with thousands of bad reviews
For starters in web industry free hosting may be okay just for testing, but for production site better to consider to buy cheap but professional hosting plan.

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