Hi there


New member
I'm new to this board. I'm active on WHT and Sitepoint, hope to have a nice stay in here as well :)
I'm not running a hosting related company, or maybe I am, since I design websites for hosting companies (basically any type of business).

Looking forward to enter the discussions at HostingDiscussion.com !

zenndex, nice meeting you, I am Artashes. Welcome to HostingDiscussion.com. It is awesome to have someone of your class/niche participate here for a change as well!!

Looking forward to communicating and interacting with you during the course of your stay (hopefully long-term).

PS: I really like your work, btw. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)
I mainly signed up because I'm interested in the hosting business. And the forum skin looks nice so I couldn't resist signing up. This site also has an advertising section, which is great. I'll use it to show my website design work to interested parties.

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