Host for Reseller Inquiry

Plb Hosting

New member
Good evening everyone.

I am not sure where to start on this question but I am looking for a different host to move all my accounts to...... my current host is getting out of the business and although there is someone in the background taking over I am not entirely comfortable. why you ask? well I have had an ongoing support issue and it has taken a week to solve a simple thing and I am just totally frustrated to no end. The support group is whom is taking over the business. First bad squirt in my mouth and it is a nasty one..

so what i am looking for is
between 3000MB - 5000MB space
50GB to 75GB bandwidth
Cpanel Pro with box trapper, cp skins and rv skins if possible just to mention a couple of things
Custom DNS for myself and the ability to have a custom ip for some clients who have reseller accounts for their multiple domains
Fantastico Delux, spam assassian, wealyzer and awestats, agora shopping cart, hot link protection, MySql and PostgreSql databases, Whm, and of course all the other things like php etc.. you know the normal

I am a Unix/Redhat person not a windows person and I would like to know if that host will be willing to help me transition 18+ accounts since the host will have shell access..... as all databases etc will need to be moved.

I am looking for stats on uptime, customer support, how long in business, what is the reputation, is it a mom and pop or a fly by night business to them..?

have I asked alot here? yes, but then I don't know whom to trust these days....

I would love some feedback on these things if you would not mind giving me some.. I need to make a decision before the end of August... if not sooner

thanks a bunch everyone
I'd try They are placing new account in a data center in Los Angeles. All new servers are setup with RAID and dual power. That's way above average compared to other reseller hosts.

Hey Lady Patty,
Sorry I haven't been able to help before I move, have been very busy here for the last few days, haven't had much free time.
Hopefully the other members here will be able to give you some good advice, as Christoph said, is a very good company and they have a great reputation, they have changed hands recently and I haven't heard as much about them, but I am sure they are still providing a great service.

I will try help you more myself when I get everything setup in the new house.

Good luck!


Oh John Thank you... I know you are busy so that is not a problem. Don't you worry...
I am bouncing around looking at different ones and guess I never realized before how many hosting companies there were...

You have a very successful move and we will see you when you ar finished . Thanks !!!
Hey Lady Patty,
Just after reading Cash's post I would like to comment on JVDS/VPSColo.

I used them maybe 6 months ago for a while to run a few things on VPS (Virtual Private Server).
I am not sure if they actually offer reseller accounts, I have never checked that, but they mainly focus on VPS/VDS anyway.

The support at JVDS is great and they now have more support staff working, at first it was just Rus but in the 4 months I have noticed a few new people replying to support tickets (I use Rus for server management so still use the support system).

The tickets are replied to quickly and they keep you informed about any changes, updates, upgrades, downtime etc. which I really like. It's important to know about some things in advance.

Their prices are very good and they offer a discount when you prepay, I normally prepay in advance for everything so I like when companies offer that ;)

You said about wanting dedicated IPs for your customers that are resellers.
Do they know you are a reseller? You will need a company that will either support your resellers or that will allow you some access to be able to help your customers, a lot of hosts won't let customers have resellers under them.
Also, if your customers do not know that you are a reseller, aside from the support issues, if your upstream provider sends out an email through WHM to all resellers, this will be sent to your customers, maybe containing promo material for the host that is hosting your reseller.

For cPanel Pro...isn't that still in beta?
If it is, I don't think many hosts will offer it, I do know of a few myself that offer it, but I didn't think cPanel Pro was much better or different to the normal cPanel.

Is there any hosts you have been looking at so people can tell you what we know about them?

Are the skins compulsory? Could take out a lot of good hosts that don't offer those but they could be important if your customers are using them at the minute, they might not be happy if they lost the skin they are getting used to.

Hope this helps a little anyway.

Hi Lady Patty - do you mind if I ask a couple of questions?

Where would you like your servers to be located?

Personally - we only offer Hsphere - but, I know of several good reseller providers that offer CPanel...

The one that comes to mind right away is - excellent group of people and their support is amazing...

Hope this helps and best of luck in your search...
Found a host

Yes I finally found a host and have gotten moved and set up... I had until the end of this month to make a decision but I found one. Thank you for asking however......
Hi Stephen

I choose to go with Emaxhosting after alot of thought and alot of checking, and talking to the owner himself. I am very very pleased where I am and yes they offer everything that I wanted and more.

You asked me how they were so far. they are great. The support is fantastic, they did a fab job in my transition over to them and yes I am very happy. Thank you for asking... I will check out the Experiences & Recommendations......... Thank you for the suggestion !!!
For anyone else reading this thread, htttpme was bought by

I've been with IH since last year, and their support is outstanding, their prices are reasonable, and I've never had any noticeable downtime.

Another good host i would recommend would be Dathorn, who I also have been hosting with since 2003. Great support, great prices, and very little downtime.
Were you with Freckle?

The reason I ask is because I am having some serious issues and cannot get the support or resolution that I need.

So I currently looking to relocate my 20+ clients as well.

Hey Valarie,
Have you still not found a new host?
I know a few people had to move as Freckled stopped hosting.
I was actually about to psot a thread today to see if anyone knew where she was, haven't seen her in a logn time so I'm not sure what is happening.


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