I see you have ads on the website. How much does that bring in? You might want to switch to google adsense, its about the best paying.

The value of the site would depend on traffic and income. But it looks like you have a winner there. Could be worth $1500 to $10,000.00. Depending on the stats and members.
I think it's a great name.
I have no idea on the value though: but I do recall seeing it for sale recently!

May I ask how much you ended up getting?

I like your site and domain name.

The domain name is very catchy and is easy to re-brand into a hosting site i would say anywhere from $1000 - $6000 for the whole lot, if your traffic was exellent and you put it up for auction i would expect you would get anything within this range $3000 - $10,000.

Great site and domain name.

Nice name, but I don't see it being used for a "hosting" biz company. However, mabye for website, that has some articales related to hosting etc..
Quite an old thread. was sold to W7Media by a 14 year old. Infact an old customer of mine that slated me on every forum in the universe (Well tried too).

i would say anywhere from $1000 - $6000 for the whole lot, if your traffic was exellent and you put it up for auction i would expect you would get anything within this range $3000 - $10,000

Just for the domain? No chance, there are 4 letter names going for that price that are even dictionary words.
there is another domain! Mabye it's the same kid? He's 15 and hes owns this company. All I can say is avoid business with him. He has a server under his parents name and doesn't know much about anything. Chances are, he will shutdown and take off with your cash.
Cal813 said:
there is another domain! Mabye it's the same kid? He's 15 and hes owns this company. All I can say is avoid business with him. He has a server under his parents name and doesn't know much about anything. Chances are, he will shutdown and take off with your cash.
WHOIS is a U.S person, I believe he lives in Australia.

I couldn't stop laughing when he was trashing me though. He didn't get the best service so we gave him a free month and he used it to Spam constantly so we terminated it. Was a funny moment.

His site is or was as it looks like its now closed.
Nope that's not him, but there is another guy using the same name, but he's a UK guy. I feel he used a stolen CC, since he was refering to "hey some lady bought me all this stuff" and he was serious about it too. I just don't get how a 15 yr old, who had troubles buying a domain name and uses a invisionfree board, could buy his own server, 3 vb licences, 3 pro vb skins etc... In under 3-4 months...
- domain: hostaddicts
- tld: com
- length: 11
- hostaddicts contains no hyphens
- hostaddicts contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 735.54
Total internet market value : 100.2
Search frequency value : 2.4
Proper Name Value : 1

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $7334

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