Hostgator Opinions


New member
I have been reading a lot of posts on other forums regarding Hostgator. It seems that there is a balance of people for and against them. In the review area all I read so far is possitive... any negatives? I am new to this particular forum, and am curious as to what you guys/girls think of Hostgator services.
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Becuase hostgator oversells I do not like them. Overselling in my opinion is ruining the hosting industry as it promises people resources they will never see or get to use.
I hear alot about overselling and understand the negative impact it has on the consumer and industry. Is there anyone that has personal experience with a negative effect from "overselling" by Hostgator?
I don't like any web host in general that offers "unlimited disk space/bandwidth" It is bad for the customer and just bad marketing in general. I personally haven't used HG but I don't plan on using them ever because of that.
No, I don't think anybody had a negative effect from overselling by Hostgator. Every established host has their own calculations, even though they oversell a little, so that they won't ruin their servers reliability and stability.

In my opinion, well-planned overselling is not bad at all. When I said that I meant if companies can make sure of server stability even after all the customers have used their allocated resources (CPU resources not just disk space and bandwidth) then what is there to blame overselling?
Overselling in my opinion is ruining the hosting industry

It is but these days it seems the only way to get clients when your competing against big companies like Hostgator, godaddy, etc. Why have 50GB of bandwidth when you can have 7500GB for the same price?! :p The industry is just so saturated.
It is but these days it seems the only way to get clients when your competing against big companies like Hostgator, godaddy, etc. Why have 50GB of bandwidth when you can have 7500GB for the same price?! :p The industry is just so saturated.

The price you pay for massive, unmetered and unlimited bandwidth or space is the price you and your users pay for speed and reliability.

Oversellers often have poor support (due to overstretched departments) , speed and reliability. There are always hidden restrictions within TOS agreements that accepted on account creation.

all of this should be an imidiate red flag for any business
Really hostgator support is Great and not poor at all,you can call or chat with them any time even at midnight or holidays,
i didn't see any negative feedbacks to hostgator too, but their price may be a bit higher
Most ISP's and Hosts oversell - the good one's manage their saturation to prevent customer churn.

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