Hosting search


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I get my current hosting provider from a friend's recommendation. I'm just curious how did you find your current service provider? google search or recommendation? When you search from google, do you search the exact technical requirement such as .net, php or just a general search for example "web hosting"?
Have to be careful going with a friend's recommendation, although yours worked out well. You might get something like, my Aunt Betty's husband's accountant's best friend reallly likes for web hosting. They offer unlimited everything. :D
I found mine through testing and experience, I don't listen to reviews, I don't take others advice.

I see, I buy, I test, I decide.

Experiencing is the best method to find out if a Host is good and strong, simple.
Have to be careful going with a friend's recommendation, although yours worked out well. You might get something like, my Aunt Betty's husband's accountant's best friend reallly likes for web hosting. They offer unlimited everything. :D

This is a very good point. It is important to note that no one hosting provider will make every client happy :smash:
It is important to note that no one hosting provider will make every client happy :smash:

Second this. You can test the hosting provider by opting for minimum billing cycle, and if satisfied continue with them. This can be a good way to test their service.
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Second this. You can test the hosting provider by opting for minimum billing cycle, and if satisfied continue with them. This can be a good way to test their service.

Absolutely right, even though you'll find many web host who also offers money back guarantees on their hosting plans. However, you should not forget to read TOS before going to sign up any hosting package.
Happy customers are anyone's best selling "tool". Of course I agree with Steve than sometime people can mislead others when it comes to technology. Something might work for one and not for other.
Have to be careful going with a friend's recommendation, although yours worked out well. You might get something like, my Aunt Betty's husband's accountant's best friend reallly likes for web hosting. They offer unlimited everything. :D

You know, when I had a small PC repair shop, my best people for getting referrals from were a friend at work and a guy from church. Those two guys are fantastic when they try to help first.
I get my current hosting provider from a friend's recommendation. I'm just curious how did you find your current service provider? google search or recommendation? When you search from google, do you search the exact technical requirement such as .net, php or just a general search for example "web hosting"?

Google is the best. Found mine after a quick searching of the top hostings on google and closely observed the site myself, for clarity of the services offered.
Under recommendations of friends you can find a hosting сompany but if you don't experiment that of nothing leaves. We can give to you advice and you should make a correct choice :)

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Skill level, expectations, needs, and short term goals

Depending on your experience level, expectations, and software requirements these are just some of the considerations when picking a hosting provider. If you have been in this industry for any length of time you will know what your skills are, and what your needs from the provider are going to be.

First off there are thousands of ISP's, resellers, affiliates etc out there. So finding someone who guarantee's something you are looking for is more than easy to find.

I recommend you start small and build up from there. If you are new to this, I recommend you buy a small account at host gator and play with it, if you are a seasoned professional or just like the idea of having your own server, then I recommend a VPS solution and have fun with it.

There are so many options, one thing that you have to remember is that your DNS is only a few hours away from pointing to another IP address. Or even better a domain is less than 10.00 for a year. So if you are not happy with what you have you can move it somewhere else.

Good luck, make money, and more importantly have fun!
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A general search in Google will help a lot,next a number of hosting providers will be listed,then you can make a choice after comparing all of them,of course,it also should be combined with your experience as well.
Recommendation is helpful ,however,the final decision should depend on your actual requirement.
Well, search google first, once find a host, test it, as long as you have backup files, you have nothing to loose. Normally if you just want a website, do not pay more than $5.
It is important to feel comfortable with the hosting company. I recommend one close by that you can visit. This way you can see how they run the business internally (how clean) and have a good sense if they are successful. Why host with a company in a different country when you can host right here next to where you live. I always feel my data is safer because I can always pay a visit to the facility if I'm not getting the answers I need.
Not with Google search or Friends recommendation, one must chose his hosting provider by analyzing the trends and his/her future requirement with those providers. Must verify their reliability and check for their review across the internet. Compare their service with other leading providers. Must check for the rates before getting it done. Some might charge big and does nothing. Be careful before choosing your hosting provider this may affect your business traffic.
Message boards, reviews, and forums like hostingdiscussion can give you some good insight for hosting companies to help you make a decision when choosing a host.

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