hosting setup


New member
what is the best way to start my online business please in the hosting world
i ave some knowledge
i want to be as independent as possible and learn as much as i can
i have a market to target
That is too vague to give any real help. But I'll try. Don't invest too much. Start slow and build up. Either get a single cheap server or buy reseller packages. Reseller packages allow you to see if you can even build a customer base. As soon as you gain revenue, reinvest and build your base.
what is the best way to start my online business please in the hosting world
i ave some knowledge
i want to be as independent as possible and learn as much as i can
i have a market to target

I would say getting an affordable server is a good Idea when starting out and keeping your start-up costs as low as possible, People who start a hosting company have their own motives and criteria to meet, for me personally;

I wanted a VPS server and not a reseller package as I wanted to understands the innerworkings of my control panel and have full control over my servers so I could better support my clients in the long run.

Reseller Hosting is great when you’re starting out and if you don't know where to start with managing servers then it may be the option for you.

VPS Hosting is great as it gives you full control of your server, how you want to configure it, sell your hosting etc, the only down side is the cost of licensing etc.

I found a VPS Server with manage support will help you learn a lot, as if you run into an issue the support team will guide you through most of the technical issues and you can learn a lot along the way. Downside is it can get quite expensive in the long run and will take a lot longer for you to break even and start making a profit.

The best way is to just start, even if it’s just making the logo or writing up some packages.

Doesn't matter how small the task is, you've still starting and your making progress.

Small steps make a big difference in the long run. My website and content have been built up over a few years and I've just done small changes over the years.
I've even asked for help on the forum for UX feedback as shown here

Starting a hosting company isn't as easy as it looks and takes time and persistence to overcome the ever-growing online world.

I hope that helps you and I wish you all the best in your hosting journey.
Its depends upon how much knowledge you have, related to your targeted market. Start with reseller hosting and when you get enough idea and clients move to dedicated server or VPS.
Selecting your target audience is truly the most crucial aspect.
As mentioned earlier in this discussion, minimizing costs is key when launching this type of business. You will need to handle everything from advertising to setup manually in order to establish and run your business effectively. Thus, comprehending the reasons behind your actions is paramount in this scenario.

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