Hosting website review please.


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking for honest and constructive feedback of our new website design.

A few points to note:

- it is completely custom and designed from scratch, no templates used.

- it is intentionally designed to be minimal and clean, however, I'm slightly concerned it doesn't quite look attractive to your typical hosting market.

- we want to come across as professional, premium, high quality.

- lots of the icons on the site are stock/generic, we are designing custom icons as fast as we can, they may be quite poor in some areas.

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Actually, I very much like your website. I would delete the link to Google+ though as that site just becomes a dead end.
I like it. Simple, clean, easy to navigate and to the point. Nothing distracting me.
I agree with Steve - your G+ page has nothing, so no point linking to it.

I'd also suggest changing your uptime report on your footer (not the link).
I see you have already changed the domain name to
You built it with the Laravel framework. The design is good. But the logo is still showing the old name and the URL is Lunahost. You might want to check on that.

The menu could be made a little bigger. The real magic is yet to happen. You need to start promoting the site and start working on SEO. I think you are just starting out with this site.

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