how do u now how much bandwidth and space u need??


New member
i was just wondering how do i know how much space and bandwidth i need..i have been researching for a long time now and every host i came across all have different plans for different prices and some are really expensive while others pretty cheap..I am currently making a website for my band so we will be having music on our site as well as pictures and maybe vids..i was figuring the simple solution for this is get a plan that is unmmetered in both areas but after doing research that doesn't seem like a good idea..also besides the bands website i have other hobbies and i want to put up other sites for those hobbies especially one for my website design service so i was thinking of getting a reseller account so that when i do get clients for my design services i could give em hosting as part of the package(as well as hosting our own stuff)...anyway as far as for my band site we don't now how many times our songs will get downloaded so we don't now how much bandwith we need ( we got like 23 songs done already and they come out to about 700mb but we are constantly working on new songs)....Arggghhhh as u could see i am very confused so any insight will help...
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godp777 said:
i was just wondering how do i know how much space and bandwidth i need..i have been researching for a long time now and every host i came across all have different plans for different prices and some are really expensive while others pretty cheap..I am currently making a website for my band so we will be having music on our site as well as pictures and maybe vids..i was figuring the simple solution for this is get a plan that is unmmetered in both areas but after doing research that doesn't seem like a good idea..also besides the bands website i have other hobbies and i want to put up other sites for those hobbies especially one for my website design service so i was thinking of getting a reseller account so that when i do get clients for my design services i could give em hosting as part of the package...anyway as far as for my band site we don't now how many times our songs will get downloaded so we don't now how much bandwith we need ( we got like 23 songs done already and they come out to about 700mb but we are constantly working on new songs)....Arggghhhh as u could see i am very confused so any insight will help...

if you wish to host music files and vids on your band site then i would sugest a VPS server or semi-dedicated, as most hosting companys tend not to allow the stroage of media files to be hosted on a shred server, since the shared server has to share the cpu and if there is media file hosted then this could cuase long time affect on the server it self. the reasson why i recomend a VPS or semi-dedicated is becuase these server have only a handfull of clients 5 in most cases. this way media files are allowed and the more cpu you would get, and the server would not run as slow as a shared server. vps servers as similar to a semi-dedicated however these are like vrtural server inside a server if you see what i mean so inway you would be getting your own dediacted server with full root acsess but vps are not fully independent they still have only a handfull of clients, also with a vps you can resell web hosting as well.

now im my opion i would go for a vps as they are cheaper but not to cheap :rolleyes:

i hope this helps you out and gives you a clear picture
see i didn't even think about that whole server side of things i was just searching host...

thansk for that have any reccomendations on were to start looking
It'd be safe to start off with a small plan, and if need be, upgrade with your host if possible. Find a host that allows you to easily upgrade your package.

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