How do you set yourself apart from other hosts?

LT Smash

New member
Ever since I have joined, I have really been thinking about purchasing a Reseller package and making my own hosting site. The problem is, it seems like most hosts out there basically the same, with only differences in prices and amount of space and storage, how could I set myself apart?
That's a question only you can answer. What would attract *you* to a web host over others? What things made you choose the providers you went with? What have former (or even current) providers done, or offered, that made you think highly of them and / or their services?

Think about what things you would find admirable or desirable in a web host (what would make you choose one over the other.) Then figure out of you can offer that whatever-it-is. Then, if you can, figure out how you can tell others about this distinguishing feature (often one of the more difficult bits. You have to find a way to advertise it so that it makes sense, but doesn't make you or your company come off sounding like you're saying "We're better than all of those rebel scum." [Though that particular tag line might net you some of the more hip, sarcastic old-school Star Wars fans. Who knows?] )
Kinda like what Lesli said, that is a mainly for you to answer. Because sometimes, you might have 2 web hosts that offer pretty much the same plans. However, for a web designer, he may choose the site which looks better.
how could I set myself apart?
Shake hands with the customer, literally? In other words, go local, or sell hosting to a group of people you are in contact or share other interests with. That can make you different enough, without actually having to provide anything out of the ordinary for a reseller account.
Most hosts these days are offering very simliar products, in similar and sometimes even the SAME data center. For us, we focus on niche hosting solutions. You find a niche and go with it.

The questions you need to ask yourself are why did you want to get into the hosting business? What can you do that is different than others? And then the big question, why should a client choose you rather than another brand?
From the point of view of a customer, I don't see much to differentiate one company from another. The only point that sticks with me is the customer service and support. For instance, godaddy sends me a mail with my details of domain purchases as well as following up with a phone call. They're the only registrar to do this of the several that I've used. Who do you think that I think of first when I have to register a new domain?
The thing I tend to notice with many of my clients that come from other hosts (no names), the customer service just really is not there. It is like other places forget about treating their clients like people not just dollar signs.
I've been thinking about the going local idea. I live in Springfield, IL and we have several local businesses that I think could benefit with a website. I think that would be good enough starting out.
Local, state, national and world advertising - it all depends on your target and your budget (price & time).

Local is a great start, county is great too - busineses like to work with local agencies. It also makes it easy for face to face meetings so they know you're a real person and can get a feel for your business.
Becoming friends with our customers, offering them advice and opinions in friendly manner and idle chat to feel pleasant.
The two most common ways to stand out are niche hosting and customer service.

As a smaller host, you are more able to personalize your service and make the customer feel as if they are the only customer you have. Once you get too big, that is more difficult to accomplish.

Niche hosting is really the only way to become successful and grow in this over saturated market. You need to find an area that is underprovided, or one you have a special knowledge in and market to those people.

Hitting the pavement locally is also a good way to increase your client base. You might even offer free hosting to a few key businesses so that you will benefit from word of mouth and referrals. For this, I would pick a few large, influential businesses in your area.
Another advantage of going local is that you can offer one-stop service to your clients. If they have design or programming needs, you can offer these services even if you have to subcontract the work. It's a convenience clients appreciate.
Hitting the pavement locally is also a good way to increase your client base. You might even offer free hosting to a few key businesses so that you will benefit from word of mouth and referrals. For this, I would pick a few large, influential businesses in your area.

I never thought of offering free hosting for a influential business. That is a really good idea and I am going to try that out in the future. For standing out from all the other host. I think name is a really big factor in my opinion and also try thinking outside the box. Business cards are really great to have to. If someone talk about anything related to the internet, I always bring up my business and give them a business card.
Offering break through support is generally the way to go,user and customers really like companies that help them when they need help and not just irritate them when not required.:agree:
You definitely need to offer a niche if you plan on starting a web hosting company. There are just too many web hosts out there and it's going to be hard to compete with them if you look the same as everyone else. Also, don't oversell like all the other hosts out there. The big hosts can oversell and manage to keep their clients but since your just starting you might end up just crashing if you oversell. Try offering some services to your clients or some scripts. Remember, quality over quantity.
The problem is, you have to first sell the customer, so that he/she can see that you're providing really high quality hosting and good support at very reasonable prices. Therefore it's really hard to set yourself apart from the thousands of others for a prospecting customer. Hosting directories are nothing but paid advertisers and if you don't have a huge budget to use that chance, you're all alone out there. The hosting shopper comes to your site and sees the same thing he/she sees at other websites; This much disk space, that much bandwidth, bla bla bla.
Customer service is by far the most important thing going. If a customer is confident in you then they will be confident in your product - be realistic, honest and ameanable. You will win business through business!
Customer service is by far the most important thing going. If a customer is confident in you then they will be confident in your product - be realistic, honest and ameanable. You will win business through business!

I completely agree with you mfwl, very well put. Honesty is the best way to keep/earn clients.
You can also expand the definition of customer service to include providing more services, not just better service. It's like the invention of the supermarket: in the old days, you had to go to the baker, the butcher, and others to get your food, where now you can get it all in one place. You might even pay more for the convenience.

That's why we offer additional services to our clients, because there really isn't much to differentiate one host from another when all you're selling is disk space and bandwidth.

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