How do you start a forum?


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Where could I find information and/or the software, templates,etc. on starting a forum from scratch for my website? Is this something I need to do through my web hosting company?
Well if you wanted to do it free You can use PHPBB or SMF or my favorite MyBB. You can find templates on google or the official sites for them.

You will need to set up hosting for it and get a domain for a forum you will also have to install a database.

If your host offers a auto installer it will be easiest for you just to install a forum that way. then upload a template from there and make forum. Go Niche is anything, General, webmaster, admin, Hosting, things like that.

You can also join which has loads of information on forums and such for you.
If your host has Fantastico (most do) you can easily install a forum (PHPBB, etc.) in just a couple of clicks.

If not, you can download and install several available free forum scripts. Just do a Google search and you'll easily find them.
I completely agree with Hostix. Yes, you can install forum a web application (e.g. phpbb) via Fantastico easily. Or it can be done manually with simple steps.
If you are running a website already and want to get more traffic to it, create your forums in a directory of the website. You can use free forum software like phpBb and SMF or the paid ones, for instance vBulletin.
If your host has Fantastico (most do) you can easily install a forum (PHPBB, etc.) in just a couple of clicks.

If not, you can download and install several available free forum scripts. Just do a Google search and you'll easily find them.

yes, or you could use Invision power Board (IPB) which is free and requires no hosting as they do it.
setting up the forum board is always easy but , getting users to posts something in it is always a problem.

There are services which can also post to your forum to make it look alive because usually nobody wants be the first one to post :)
Many hosting services offer free installation of forum software. You don't have to be an expert to do this. All you need are a few clicks and the installation will be done.
Ya I must be right @Zagor. Installation of forum software will be offered by many hosting companies itself. U can try that and its very easy.
well I recommend mybb instead of phpbb3. MyBB looks just like vBulletin (Which is a paid forum software) and have much professional templates.

Your hosting provider may provide you with an auto installer which will install the software for you, in just a single click!
Many people want to play the forum field, and what I mean is they want to start a new forum. Whether it is in a new niche, or one already covered. There is something they want to talk with other people about, and they think there should be a new forum about it. So they decide to create their own. So now you have decided you want to create a forum, you’re probably wondering what the steps to create a good successful forum are. Every step I include can be costly, so always be prepared with a budget for what you want to spend on your forums.
Tips on how to start building a forum

Domain & Hosting – Probably the simplest step, pick your favorite domain registrar and pick a good domain for the topic. Then check web hosting reviews to find a site that will suit your hosting needs. Then you can get to setting up the forum software.

Forum Software – There are many options for software to power your forums. There are free options like MyBB and SMF which (some would say) are as good, but others would disagree and say that paid software is the way to go. Depending on how serious you are with your new forum, you may want paid software like IPB or vBulletin so that people know you’re serious. These types of software, can cost hundreds of dollars, but also have a better reputation, and style-sheet for users.

Forum Design – Every forum needs a unique design, nobody wants to visit a forum with a boring old design that they have seen on every site on the net, they want something new, something unique, something they will only get on your site. There are two options to do this, you can find themes available free around the net, which look like what you want, and are not commonly used, or you can pay to get one made for yourself. The last option being the best because it creates a unique look for your forum, which only your forum will have.

Categories – Once you have your forum set up, you need to setup a category base for the forums, at this point you need to think, how you will categorize the post that each user makes on your forum. Some things to think about are the topics the forum will cover, and whether you would like an announcements section, an off topic section etc.

Nobody wants to visit an empty forum – I admit it, when I visit a forum and there is a small amount of members, I leave, especially if it’s an empty forum. So you need to fill that void, hiring forum posters is the best way to do so. You will get quality posts that fill those gaps. The best way to get forum posters is to use freelancers, because they will charge you the cheapest rates.

Advertise – Buy Link spaces, ad spaces on forums/sites of the same niche so people can now find your forum, and sign up.

I hope this article helps you out with your latest forum projects.
I started once a forum and to get many visitors there is one good way..

Post many problems and the correct solution for that problem. And focus on one theme.
The only IPB that is free to use is version 1.3. PLEASE don't use it. It is full of holes and exploits since it hasn't been supported/updated in what..6 years or so?

SMF gets my vote.
The only IPB that is free to use is version 1.3. PLEASE don't use it. It is full of holes and exploits since it hasn't been supported/updated in what..6 years or so?

SMF gets my vote.

I agree with you, also I think SEO optimization is better.

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