How long have you been with your hosting company?

I've been with them for a long time. They have gone back and forth with different names and servers. They had a reseller account, then bought a dedicated server. They then moved back to a reseller. The hosting isn't too bad, but there have been some rough patches a long the way. Overall, pretty good hosting for a cheap price.
I used web hosting from ************. I was with them for a year and thir reselling is really great with in-house support. But I had to leave them because of my personal problems in my private life. But they were really great. Now I think of being with them again.
I use and have done for about 5 months now. I was at thePlanet before but had a few problems with their support.

Before that I was with Fasthosts in the UK.
Since 3 years i was with my current Hosting company. Around 5 years i was with another. Both gave me best service is one of the companies I'm using at the moment, I'm quite satisfied with the way they manage everything about my site.
I've been using Hostgator for almost 4 years now. Feeling no need or reason to move. :)

I really have heard great things about hostgator, then recently I started to hear more negative things. I am wondering if you have had any negative experiences. I am thinking maybe these people were just complaining to complain.
From what I understood they were easy to communicate with and affordable. Am I incorrect in thinking that?
I am wondering if you have had any negative experiences.
Uptime and performance are as great as ever, at least on this server where I have my sites. Give me that, and I won't need much support. So, from my end, there are no noticeable changes. :)
How long have you been with your current hosting provider, and which provider do you use?

currently I am with about 3 different hosting companies. I think its in peoples interest to try them out for themselves and figure out what is best for them.

Good luck!
I'm working with a couple right now; GoDaddy and BlueHost seem to give me the best service - I really like GoDaddy's cust service, but i think in the long run BlueHost is a better deal.
I have been with Lunarpages shared hosting for 10 months now and have the maximum 11 sites hosted. I'm very happy with them.
I have been with ServerTag for about a month and I've never been happier. I haven't experienced any downtime since being with them and their support is extremely good.