How many WP visitors with 1Gb


New member
I'm thinking to migrate to a VPS system, because my webhosting has reached his memory limit.

I only have wordpress blogs installed on my web provider. So, my question is: how many wordpress visitors can be managed with 1 Gb of memory?

I have never try a VPS so I have no idea about its performance.

Thank you
Much of this will be a trial and error when it comes to your actual blog situation. Be sure that whoever you go with for your VPS that you have the ability to either add more ram, or upgrade the system quickly.

How many visitors can it support really depends on how big your wordpress is, and what you're listing. A simple blog with a handful of pictures wouldn't cause too much problems, but a complicated wordpress with videos, recommended articles and frequent calls to the mysql database to update information for the specific user can quickly cause load or memory issues.

That being said, 1GB is a lot of memory for most sites unless you're doing complicated SQL calls and calculations. Now if you're adding all the other things on there such as FTP service, cPanel, mail, spam detection, and any number of other items - they too will all take a portion of the memory. Still, MOST sites shouldn't have a problem with 1GB of memory. Again, this is a GENERAL statement of the market as a whole.
I assume you need to do your serach according to what you need not according to how that might handle
I assume you need to do your serach according to what you need not according to how that might handle

Well, in general you are right.. but this time I'm trying to buy a hosting service as powerful as I can afford. I've found an affordable option and I would like to know if it's enough or not
1gb should definitely be enough, but as said before: it depends on the # of visitors and type/quantity of content. There's no "X amount of visitors = X gb memory" :) The most important thing is that you go with a host that can quickly upgrade your account if needed & the best way to know what your requirements are is to monitor your resource usage.
It all depends when the majority of those visitors come. I have clients with WP blogs that require 2 GB of RAM while others require 4 GB of RAM just because of the traffic patterns.

The one with 4 GB gets just a bit more traffic than the 2 GB one but all his traffic is piled up within a couple of hours of the day while the 2 GB one has traffic coming throughout the day without the big surges. So what kind of traffic patterns are you getting?

Hope that helps.
I'd absolutely consider asking prospective providers about their upgrade paths, as your webhosting grows. A 1GB VPS may work for you now, but will you need 4GB in six months, or two months?
If no wp-cache plugin, It may be capable of handling a few million pageviews a month, with wp-cache, much more.

Also this would depend on the processing power you have with the CPU, as well as harddisk I/O rate.
Something you could try to do is contact your webhosting provider and ask them for a general figure of how much memory your website is using. If you're reaching their limits, they should have some idea.
Other factors will include quality of the VPS too and other stuff like how many applications and widgets are installed.
I'm thinking to migrate to a VPS system, because my webhosting has reached his memory limit.

I only have wordpress blogs installed on my web provider. So, my question is: how many wordpress visitors can be managed with 1 Gb of memory?

I have never try a VPS so I have no idea about its performance.

Thank you

Depends on what exactly you have installed. However, 1GB should do you for a while.
I'm thinking to migrate to a VPS system, because my webhosting has reached his memory limit.

I only have wordpress blogs installed on my web provider. So, my question is: how many wordpress visitors can be managed with 1 Gb of memory?

I have never try a VPS so I have no idea about its performance.

Thank you

It is quite hard to determine how many WP visitors can be manged with 1GB memory because the memory usage is not only used by the visitors traffic. Your whole wordpress site is using the memory to run the scripts - theme, plugin and etc. If you wish to use the VPS to manage your blog, you may need to know more about the server knowledge and server configuration. Otherwise, you could consider to sign up the semi-dedicated server which is only lesser hosting account per server. Therefore, you could use more memory usage on the semi- dedicated server with the same friendly shared hosting control panel.
If you have never used or managed virtual machine you shall get fully managed VPS or to have someone to take care of the system administration. Otherwise you might have bad experience with your virtual machine.
1 GB is definitely not much but then again it should be able to handle your Word Press visitors. I think if you see some problems with your visitors, you can shift to VPS one.