How Not To Ignore your Existing Customers

i am online from 7am to midnight GMT, but if a client contacts me a midnight with an issue and it takes 3 hrs to sort out then so be it, i will stay online to sort this out.

And that is exactly what it takes to make it in this industry. Great to see HostingDiscussion members with such commitment to high performance of their companies and the satisfaction on their clients.
I remember about 3 years ago when I was running a VPS hosting company, which was later sold. There was an issue with the virtualization technology causing all VPS to lose connectivity intermittently, I was working with the control panel developers and other specialists to make everything right again, it took 72 hours to fully fix and bring everything back up, a lot of heartache, headaches and coffee!

But seriously, you need absolute dedication for start-up businesses as they can crash overnight if you don't pay attention. I have in the past, employed an outsourcing company just to cover the evening hours so I could at least relax with the family during the evening hours. Obviously I was still available 24/7 via phone emails and such but the front of it all went to the outsourcing company.

I don't really like outsourcing but when you have a demanding wife and 2 kids, it's kinda hard to be everywhere at once!