How to find expiring domains?


New member
How can I find out what domains are expiring soon? I know it may not be nice to nick someone's domain if they forgot to renew it, but tough!

A friend of mine is after some soon to be expiring domains, and I'm doing the donkey work so help me out!

Please. :)'m sure you could buy a few of these and sell them privately for some cash. this company buys dropped domains too...i dunno...check em out
Thanks for the links.
I found a few that I am going to buy, well my mate is. I spotted one which has great potential so I grabbed that! I might even sell a few on myself.

There are many sites which gives you the expiring domain names. But the expiring domain names can be taken only once it is released by the domain registrar. The domain registrar holds the domain for the period of 60 days once the domain reaches the period of expiry. the period is called as redemption period.

After the domain completes the span of redemption period the domain registrar releases the domain and it is made available for anybody to purchase.

Thank you.

Thanks for explaining the process of when the domain expires. I suppose the redemption is the time where the domain owner can buy it back? (Is that correct). I best keep an eye on them for when they expire!
I will also be buying up some domains soon, the market is there if you act smartly. Building websites and writing your own unique content seems to add even better value, just take a look around. Many are making pretty good money with selling domains/established web sites as a side-job.
Webfreak your a star, that spells it out like a dime!

So from that image/process, how far along the process is the 'owner of the domain' able to renew it? Do they have the option to renew up to RGB only or can they still renew in the 'deletion' stage? Just trying to make a clear picture in my head, so I have this covered for my own domains and for when I start buying etc.

Also Hypnotique what you mentioned, sounds good. I could possibly go down this route.

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