Hyphenated Names


New member
I found a couple other threads here that mentioned hyphens (one suggesting that if the domain is multiple words, then hyphens are needed for Google to pick up on the distinct words).....but now I'm stuck at a crossroads. I'm a firm believer that although domain names are important, they're not 'so' important that obstacles of bad names can't be overcome by other means like through advertising/promotion.....but that's for when giving other people advice, heh.

So I have a site idea, but as usual, the possible names I want are taken. There is a perfectly decent hyphenated name available and because the desired domain is two words, I'm tempted to snatch it up. I know I'm setting myself up for lack of direct type-in hits, though, and hyphens aren't as easy to remember, so I'll be sending people to competitors, too. Could a great site potentially outweigh the downsides and make it worth the risk....or should I keep searching for an unhyphenated domain? I'm just wondering if I'll have to be putting out twice as much effort for half the results (dramatization, but you get the idea).
These days, it would be unlikely for me to get a hyphenated domain. The SEO boost is negligible, and the downsides too important IMO.