I am so bored.


New member
This is the way I post in a forum, post in a forum, post in a forum.
Oh this is the way I use the General Discussion forum on the web.

My name isn't important,
my IQ is low,
I havent slept in days.

I've gone insane oh can't you tell,
Because my web host went bankrupt and left me in h*ll.

So I decided to become a hosting provider of my own,
And so I bought a server or two or three or four or so.

Now the bills keep comming in,
I have no customers so they are my own to pay,
My fiancee is gone,
My cat is angry,
My phone rings with bill collectors all day.

I could not make this silly song rhyme,
Even if I tried all day,
So I just post in the fourm,
Until I pass away!


And my credit rating? Thats..... :banned:
This is truly one of the funniest things anyone ever posted on a hosting forum! Good laugh.

:thumbup: :party:
This brings back memories: "This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school" :D

Nice one nocturnalhostin! :)

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